October 31, 2012

Halloween Revisited …

It’s over for another year.

Here are my thoughts:

Saving the carving of the pumpkin until Halloween day is awesome. It’s a perfect after school activity. Look at these fellas. The three of us had a ball designing a face and scooping out the gunk.

Then for the next HOUR, my Owlie focused all of his energy on carving the rest of the pumpkin chunks.  It was awesome.

We only got about 30 – 40 trick or treaters.  Lame.

There were more teenagers than little kids.  Sad.

We have WAY, WAY too much candy in this house. Ugh.

The corn dog muffins were a total bomb.  The hot dogs fell out the bottom every time we picked up a muffin. Bummed.

But the chili was delish. MMM…

Bye Halloween. See you October!

Hello November and Hannie B’s birthday TODAY!  I love that spastic ball of girl energy! I can’t believe she’s a teenager.  I also can’t believe she went to school today dressed like this:

It was “Steve Urkel Day” at school.  They didn’t call it Nerd Day because they didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling. Yeah.

She’s a riot.  A big, nerdy riot and I love her to death!

October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012 …

Happy Halloween to you and your family from our sweet pumkin:

Our two little ninjas {older ninja stabbing younger ninja in the neck, thankyouverymuch}:

And this nerd:

May you have safe trick-or-treating, see at least one REALLY AWESOME costume, and eat an Almond Joy in my honor!

Halloween Dining …

Is it weird that we are totally comfortable eating our October dinners off the head of a skeleton? 

My mom, The Queen, found these great plates at Target last year and bought us a set for spooky dining.  The vintage nature of the skeleton and phalanges bones really appeals to the graphic designer in me.  The creepy nature of the idea of eating off a skull plate appeals to my kids. Win. Win.

I don’t think these guys had ever eaten on plates like that before.  Still, they seemed to enjoy it.  Maybe it will make a good story to write home about. We sent these Mormon missionaries off with full stomachs and new stickers on the back of their name tags courtesy of Owlie.

Now it’s time to get ready for Halloween dinner.  We always do chili and cornbread.  This year I’m shaking it up a bit by turning the cornbread into Pioneer Woman’s Corndog Muffins.

Frankenstorm update:  We survived a very windy night without losing power – a real miracle for us!  The yard is a mess, but we are all safe.  Now we need to turn our efforts to how we can help our brothers and sisters up North who did not fare so well.  We are praying hard for power, calmer skies and a rescue effort that helps as many as possible.

Be safe!

October 28, 2012

Love Me Some Stripey Tights …

You know what makes me happy?  The Sunday before Halloween, that’s what.  It’s that one day of the year when I don my witchy tights to church.

Why do I do it?  Because it makes little kids happy.  And because it is fun. And because it makes adults smile.  And because it makes me happy.  And because I love Halloween. And because I hate shaving my legs all the time.

This year I was able to convince Hannie B that she needed to join me. She, with the purple and black. Me, with the classic orange and black.

I’m not usually one for dressing to match the holidays.  I don’t own an ugly Christmas sweater. Do you?

When Halloween rolls around, however, I do have a few things I must wear to feel like I’ve contributed to the festivities.  The tights are always on the list.  And then there are these little guys:

Do you see them?  They’re my little spider earrings.  I also have some skull earrings I rock regularly in October – mostly for volunteering at the school. They’re creepy cool.

Speaking of creepy – you know I love a good photobomb, but check this one out.  That Big C!  He’s a keeper.

Happy Monday.  We’re hunkering down during Frankenstorm.  They’re may be no posting tomorrow if there’s no power.  Hope you’re all safe and happy.

October 25, 2012

For Your Friday Viewing Pleasure …

One of the best things that happened during my blog break involved Owlie using his own ingenuity in the backyard while I was doing yard work.

He did this for an entire hour, never tiring of the fun.  I stopped what I was doing and enjoyed every minute of his cleverness. Seriously, it made me super happy.  I hope it does the same for you.

So fun, this little fellow of mine.

Happy Friday!  Go have some fun!

October 24, 2012

I’m Done Mom …

I love this kid so much.  My RedDog. Bright. Sweet. Sensitive. Loyal. He’s going through a bit of rough patch right now. Nothing to alarm – just the regular growing pains of being a kid, figuring out who he is.

He found this perfect fall leaf.  He told me he wanted to take it home and preserve it because it was so amazing.

That’s kind of how I feel about him.  It’s hard for me to watch him sort through things. I just want to preserve him in all his nine year old glory. But he has to grow and grow up too.

I asked him if I could take a picture of his leaf. He agreed to it.

Then I asked him if I could take a picture of just him.  This is what I got:

I encouraged him to try again, this time with a little more pep.  Here’s how that looked:

If I had to write a caption for this picture it would read, “I’m Done Mom.” Yep. That pretty much sums up RedDog right now.  He just doesn’t really want to do much of anything I ask him to do.

He told the Hubby and I a few weeks ago that he’s done with baseball.  He doesn’t like it anymore. Seven seasons of baseball and he’s just done. I actually don’t mind – one less thing for me to chauffeur to. But it is one special thing he and his dad got to do together as the Hubby coached all of his teams. I think it made the Hubby sad.

We’ll figure it out.  He’ll figure it out. All I want is for my boy to be his best, happiest self.

PS. I spy an Owlie!

Eating Outside {In October!} …

While I was on my self-imposed blogging hiatus, we were able to eat out on the back deck one night for dinner. It was a perfect night – just chilly enough to warrant a fleece jacket {for the wimps}, long sleeves for Owlie and shorts and t-shirts {for the crazies}.

It was glorious!  There were absolutely zero bugs. In Virginia a day without bugs is sweet relief and a sure sign that Summer is indeed finally over.

We dined on hamburgers off the grill, sweet potato fries and peaches from the can because I was low on fresh fruit.  We ate off paper plates. Hooray for fewer dishes!

Can we talk about hamburgers for a minute?  I love, love, love a good burger.  My SIL and I share what we believe is the best recipe ever! If you think a hamburger is a frozen puck of meat from Costco, I want to change your life.  A hamburger blog post is in the works.

Now we need to discuss all the things I love about this picture:

  1. I’m actually in it.
  2. Owlie is so stinkin’ cute. He told me to put my arms up like him.
  3. The looks on the faces of Hannie B. and RedDog. Not fans of sweet potato fries. Freaks.
  4. The leaves gathering on the deck. Sigh. I heart Fall so much.
  5. My huge teenager. With all that hair and large awkwardness.
  6. Hamburgers. Yum.
  7. Everyone was happy on this night, in this moment.

I am a huge proponent of family dinners together. We eat together at least six nights out of the week.  It is the one time we can be there with each other and food is involved. Win, win.

How about you?  Do you insist on family dinners?

October 22, 2012

Her Pinkness …

Every Friday in October the middle school has pink days for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Hannie B. has had a great time the last few weeks decking herself out from head to toe for the cause.

She was super excited to borrow some pink hair spray from a friend one day so we could tint her tips pink.  I could tell she thought she had reached the epitome of coolness.

She and her friend Abby made cute freezer paper t-shirts that they wear each Friday with some sort of crazy pink outfit concoction.

My favorite part of this particular day? The hot pink knee socks and tennies. She owned it like nobody’s business. I don’t know about you, but I was not nearly this confident as a 7th grader.

Pink October is dear to my heart as it always reminds me of my friend Linnea who began her battle with breast cancer five years ago and beat it.  It’s been five years!  Way to go Linnea.

How about you? Have you done anything to champion the fight against breast cancer this month?

PS. For those of you who asked, I’ve already posted the S’mores Cupcake recipe.  You can find it here. I am now a little more than halving the frosting recipe because it makes A LOT.

October 21, 2012

The Good vs. The Bad …

Yep. That cupcake is the good.  And I’m talking the REAL good.  Any treat that embodies all that is lovely about s’mores is so good in my book.  I made these babies for Big C’s Cross Country end-of-season banquet. There may or may not have been a fight between to Sophomore girls over the last one.

Unfortunately, while making these cupcakes, some peanut butter bars and a pan of sticky buns, I lived up to my self imposed moniker of “The Messy Chef”. That meant that when I walked out the door to go church yesterday, my kitchen looked like this:

And that was just the beginning of the bad.  Five minutes after I took this picture, I was in a car accident.

We are all fine.  Our van is not.  My pride is also damaged. Grrr…

But oh, those cupcakes were yummy.

I’m back to blogging, and for the next few days (or week) I’ll let you know about all the fun I’ve been up to with lots and lots of pictures to help tell the tale.

I’ve missed you!

October 9, 2012

Yep. I’ve Got Nothing.


I don’t know why it happens.  But it does.

I occasionally reach a point in my writing journey where I don’t have anything to say.

I’m there. Right now.

I can’t write another post about how busy my life is.  Because it doesn’t seem to be making it any less busy.

I can’t write another post about my teenager.  He’s getting sick of being the focus and runs when he sees the camera.

I can’t write another post about my tweenager either.  Because it might make her cry. Or laugh.  Or both – crazy hormones.

I can’t write another post about my RedDog because we’re going through a rough spot right now and he needs my actual attention, not my virtual attention.

I can’t write another post about my baby.  Because today he has the runs.  And the runs + a potty training child = fifteen pairs of underwear in a day.

I can’t write another post about my Hubby because we are ships passing in the night. Unless you like posts that read: “I passed a ship last night.”

I can’t write another post about me either. Because I’m getting a little sick of me.  Aren’t you?

So I’m going to take a break.  And I’m going to work on Halloween costumes.  And baking goodies for people. And cleaning out a few closets. And raking leaves. And roasting some marshmallows.  And working on being more kind and attentive to my children and husband.

I don’t know when I’ll be back.  I just know I have nothing to say right now and I feel perfectly happy about it.

Happy October.

October 4, 2012

How We Do “Neolithic”…

Today each class (Freshman thru Senior) chose a time period to dress up as.  Big C’s class chose the Neolithic Age.  He came home on Tuesday complaining that he had nothing remotely caveman-like to wear and it would put a damper on his spirited streak.  I gave him a reassuring pat and told him to have a little faith in his momma.

With some great coupons from Joann’s and a quick trip to Party City, we came up with this caveman costume for $12. I quickly sewed him a leopard tie out of faux fur and a cave man “dress” out of brown fleece, using one of his t-shirts as a basic pattern.  Both were 40% off and then another 20% off the entire bill. Score.  I picked up a $2 bag of bones from party city to make a necklace and a large bone (that’s what’s in his hand) for him to us to kill food or bonk a woman on the head.

The craftsmanship is bare bones.  It’s right up my alley – fake sewing.  But it made him really happy and was fun to do!  He’s had such a fun week.

This picture was taken at 6:30 this morning and those dirty dishes are STILL in the sink.  Time to get to work!

PS. Here is his Wild, Wild West outfit:

October 3, 2012

Random Thoughts: Autumnal Edition

How on earth is is October?  October, people! October!  My thoughts, in no particular order:

  • These flowers make me so happy with their fall colors. Other fall things I’m loving: s’mores, pumpkin cookies, fuzzy socks, rain boots.
  • Speaking of rain, it rained all day yesterday. Appropriately enough, I attended the funeral of a most magnificent woman in the downpour. I believe the Earth was mourning losing her. But the Heavens were rejoicing in gaining her. Sally Dickson, you inspired me!
  • I have a completely potty trained three year and three month old. Cue the Hallelujah chorus! Diapers, be gone!
  • My Bic C was the best nerd ever yesterday.  And he was so excited to dress up for Wild, Wild West Day today, complete with a faux mustache. Up tomorrow, Stone Age Day. I love it!
  • I could sit and talk with my mom all day long.  She is a riot.  She has opinions.  And she’s the best.
  • Still no ringing of the ear or vertigo since hitting the garage door.  We’ve now decided that was God’s way of solving my problem! Love.
  • RedDog and Owlie want to be ninjas for Halloween.  Or as Owlie says, “Injas”.

I’m still standing here saying, “What do you mean Halloween? It’s not until October.”

Yep, it’s going to be a great month!

October 2, 2012

He’s Got Spirit …

It’s Homecoming Spirit week at the High School.  It used to be my favorite week when I was a youngin’! I went all out. You never know what you’re gonna get with a first time high schooler. And a boy, too. But I’m happy to announce that Big C is in fine form this year and is bringing the school spirit, much to the delight of his female friends at school.

He wore his dad’s Class of ‘89 letterman jacket to school yesterday for 80’s day.  Complete with polo shirt {collar up, natch}, pegged jeans and RayBan sunglasses.

Today, well, it’s nerd day.  I think he’s going to do just fine. Don’t you?

October 1, 2012

I’m A Florist?

What a weekend.  Exhaustion.  Elation.  Drama.  Anxiety.  You name it.  I had it.

Forty-eight table arrangements.  Three large scale arrangements. Five bridesmaid bouquets and one bridal bouquet.  That’s a lot of flowers.

I’ve never taken on ANYTHING like this before.  I may have overstepped my abilities.  I was a complete wreck on Friday night after having spent seven straight hours doing flowers.

But, it all came together in a most beautiful fashion.  And have mostly this girl to thank for it:

She sat down in a basement with me all Friday night and pretty much doing whatever I bossed her to do.  Then she talked me off a ledge when, right as we were about to walk out the door, one of the arrangements completely fell apart. She worked with me ALL DAY Saturday when events took an unexpected turn.  I could NOT have done this without her. And she makes me laugh, hard. Thanks for being an amazing best friend, Nin.

The wedding was so beautiful. Here are a few shots from the day (and night before):

Shabby Chic touches everywhere, like broaches tied on burlap vases with twine.

One of the larger arrangements – white roses, white mums and seeded eucalyptus – in a burlap vase.

The “tablescapes” – baby’s breath, a low arrangement in an antique sundae bowl, candles in glass containers and a photo of the happy couple.

All the low arrangements lined up the night before.  Man, I feel tired just looking at this.  {hydrangea, Queen Anne’s lace, mums, roses, seeded eucalyptus and curly willow}

My favorite large arrangement – it’s a little wild, a lot of lovely – hydrangea, Queen Anne’s lace and curly willow.

And here it is at the reception before the food hit the banquet table:

Hopefully  more pics to come.  I didn’t get any of the bouquets because I was in emergency mode by that point.  But I know the wedding photographer and I’m hoping he got some good shots.

I learned a lot.  Mostly, that doing something for someone else brings blessings.  And that having a good team is very important.  And that I don’t want to be a florist because I still want to love flowers.

Happy Monday!