I'm back again today. So, as I see it, that's four days in a row of blogging on a blog that I know absolutely no one is reading. I have my fabulous older brother to thank for all of this. First of all for getting me started on my blog. I didn't know what the heck I was doing, and he kindly set me up and explained everything to me. Techno genius, thy name be Chris.
Anyway, the real reason no one is reading this blog is not because HE got me started, but because HE picked out the name for the blog - "Compound Eye of a Dragon Fly". Who on earth would want to read something called that? Maybe a science geek,or a bug enthusiast (aka a science geek), or let's face reality, nobody.
But, believe it or not, there is a story behind this blog's name. One year, when we were kids, my brother got a microscope for Christmas. It was awesome - really - it inspired true awe in us as an eight and nine year-old. It came with a few blank slides for your own specimens. But the coolest slides were the ones that the manufacturer had included with existing specimens, labled with such mind boggling titles as "wing of a mosquito" or our joint favorite "compound eye of a dragon fly".
Upon initial review, our beloved dragon fly slide just looked like a tiny speck. But as soon as it was placed under the microscope, we could see the beauty and complexity of the multifacited eye. The microscope allowed us to appreciate that tiny speck in all it's grandure. How could something so small be so amazing? We never tired of looking at it. Long after the microscope and slides were gone, the phrase lives on - and reminds us that something seemingly insignificant can indeed be remarkable.
And so my blog was named . . .wait for it . . . because my hope is to take the tiny specks of what is my everyday life, and magnify them to show that the little everyday things are grand, beautiful and complex. When we examine ourselves, whether under a microscope or on a blog, we are able to see things as they really are. Let the scientific exploration begin. And thanks for the inspiration Chris. I love you big brother.
Anyway, the real reason no one is reading this blog is not because HE got me started, but because HE picked out the name for the blog - "Compound Eye of a Dragon Fly". Who on earth would want to read something called that? Maybe a science geek,or a bug enthusiast (aka a science geek), or let's face reality, nobody.
But, believe it or not, there is a story behind this blog's name. One year, when we were kids, my brother got a microscope for Christmas. It was awesome - really - it inspired true awe in us as an eight and nine year-old. It came with a few blank slides for your own specimens. But the coolest slides were the ones that the manufacturer had included with existing specimens, labled with such mind boggling titles as "wing of a mosquito" or our joint favorite "compound eye of a dragon fly".
Upon initial review, our beloved dragon fly slide just looked like a tiny speck. But as soon as it was placed under the microscope, we could see the beauty and complexity of the multifacited eye. The microscope allowed us to appreciate that tiny speck in all it's grandure. How could something so small be so amazing? We never tired of looking at it. Long after the microscope and slides were gone, the phrase lives on - and reminds us that something seemingly insignificant can indeed be remarkable.
And so my blog was named . . .wait for it . . . because my hope is to take the tiny specks of what is my everyday life, and magnify them to show that the little everyday things are grand, beautiful and complex. When we examine ourselves, whether under a microscope or on a blog, we are able to see things as they really are. Let the scientific exploration begin. And thanks for the inspiration Chris. I love you big brother.
You think that no one is looking, but woober is reading. Love the entry. You are a really good writer. I wish I was as crafty with the language as you are.
I don't know you. I actually found you through Hilary Boyer's blog. I loved this post. It made me cry. So often as a stay at home mom that gave up SO much to do SO much more and stay home I feel what you said. I may adopt this little phrase when I feel tired and weak and for sure will be adopting you as a new bff on my blog! Love it all! Thank you for inspiring me today. Suzy J (suzyjeffords.blogspot.com)
What a great idea for a blog - I'm so glad Queen found my blog through Allison.
Yes, I am all that and a bag of chips, Soober. Thanks for the props.
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