September 1, 2009

A Preview . . .

Photo by the ever-talented Chris Carlson

Just had to post a preview of the darling pictures my brother snapped of a certain creamy white, deliciously chubby baby boy on his blessing day. I'm really lucky to have such a talented and helpful brother {what? I'm not kissing up!}

With picture taking accomplished, I am now busy assembling a large pile of custom made {by me} baby announcements. The Hubby did not give in and buy me these as I had hoped. Luckily, the envelopes were addressed before the baby was born. My goal is to have them out the door before he's two months old. With baseball, piano and school all starting up in the next five days, I'm just keeping it real, folks!

I'll chronicle the announcement assembly in a future post. For now I've gotta go love on that chubby neck!


Susan said...

Love the picture! He is so stinkin cute!

Cheri said...

Sam- I read your blog frequently, but I never post, so I decided to say hello today! What a beautiful picture! You look fabulous and little Ollie is the epitomy of perfection! I can't wait to see your post about these cute announcements, either! Thanks for letting us all have a peek into your real, yet wonderful life!

The Queen Vee said...

He looks like a scrumpteous little marshmellow, so sweet and yummy. Can't wait to see the announcement, it's become quite a production just like Owlie....

The Queen Vee said...

That would be scrumptious.....

Sue said...

I see it's another Shaker morning, QV. :) Sammy, it sounds like you've definitely inherited the Queen's mad card skillz! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Oh my gosh, I really want to just eat him up!!

Tobi said...

I'm afraid I will have to report you to blogspot for exceeding your daily maximum of adorableness. That is a STUNNING picture of you and Ollie. Must go sniff and snuggle my kids to death now.

Apis Melliflora said...

Owlie is so adorable. You look fantastic too. Chris has photo magic for sure. That Owlie is so snuggable huggable.

* said...

Beautiful baby. I love blessing day!!