May 21, 2009

Planning Ahead . . .

{baby announcement via Paper Culture}

It was love at first sight. Sure, the baby in the picture is sorta cute, but that's not what I'm talking about. I might have to sell one of my vital organs to raise some funds because I absolutely adore these baby announcements and think they could be a key to ensuring my long term happiness.

Besides, can you think of a better way to welcome a Dragonfly baby into the world? Me either. Do me a favor and leave a comment to the Hubby about how important it is for me to have these announcements. Thanks!

{Even though I'm being dramatic for blogging humor's sake, I really do think I must have them.}


Tobi said...

Yes to the Dragonfly! They are perfect!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

They are perfect!!

christy said...

You definitely NEED them, speaking as one pregnant woman to another. I think I spent at least an hour the other day perusing the announcements on They are all sooo cute. Don't go there unless you have an hour to kill. Tell Travis I think it would show his true love for you and the baby in your growing belly to let you get the ones you NEED. :)

Apis Melliflora said...

Here's the thing. This is baby number four. The temptation will be to do less and go for the hand-me-downs. So, you should buck that instinct and get the little guy a super adorable baby the one dragonfly picked out.

C and Co. said...

No question!! You definitely NEED those announcements!!!

Emily said...

Those are so cute. I ended up not even doing announcements for our fourth, because I was so overwhelmed--way to plan ahead!

Kasey said...

Those are so what you need to complete the announcement of your new baby in July!!! Those are so cute!! Come on hubster..... give the prego Mom what she wants!!!

The Queen Vee said...
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The Queen Vee said...

Your wish is the hubbies command.

PS... I think with a little photoshop we could come up with an original Dragonfly design as you've outed this design to the world, no surprise now. Let's spend a few hours with bike boy and get creative.

MelancholySmile said...

Very fitting, though I agree with the Queen Vee. Use it as a springboard for your own inspired design!

Sue said...

What you should do is bribe your "I-used-to-be-a-photographer/designer" friend to design something fabulous for you after bike bro takes some newborn pics.

:) :)