May 20, 2009

Self Portrait . . .

Just in case you're wondering . . . I've officially moved from swallowing a volleyball to swallowing a basketball.

Now I challenge any of you reading this to take a self portrait and put it up on your blog. I want to see my friends and they say you should always give a pregnant lady what she wants.

What are you waiting for?
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Emily said...

I just love seeing that belly and see that it is actually growing! Yea!

Kasey said...

You look so cute. That is what I looked like at 6 months!!! I gain a lot with my pregnancies. You look awesome.

Apis Melliflora said...

Love the short red sweater with basketball. Honestly, you are a poster-child pregnant lady...still looking fantastic at 8 months!

The Queen Vee said...

I'm trying to ignore the fact that you, the 8 month pregnant lady, are standing on two, that would be two chairs to take the picture.

You're looking great, the red sweater is very cute and a great color on you.

The Dragonfly said...

Disclaimer: No pregnant women were put in harm's way for the taking of this picutre. Just so my mom doesn't worry - I am not standing on any chairs . . . they are behind me, pushed up to the table they belong with.

Tobi said...

I promise I will do this. But first I have to find the charger to my camera. I have a feeling my kiddos might have "organized" somewhere for me.

You look marvelous darling! Simply marvelous!

Burton's blog said...

You were born to carry babies! I am really jealous. I don't have any pics of me pregnant because I have mirrors! You, on the other hand, should keep taking pics!

Megan Of Parker said...

So I feel a little sad that I had NO IDEA that you were pregnant.

Some cousin I am....