February 3, 2009

Chore Carnage . . .

Remember a few milliseconds ago when I posted about my kids and their chores? Bet ya thought I was that on-the-ball chick with her act together and all her little ducks in a row, right? (could I fit one more catch phrase in that sentence?) I thought so too . . .

Which is why I got a reality check today.

This is what occurred today in under 180 seconds as the little ones did their after school chores which consisted of Big C: empty dishes from dishwasher, RedDog: put silverware away and Hannie B: wipe down all bathroom counters with wipes.

First, RedDog went to grab the stool he uses to reach the silverware drawers, bumped into a sofa table, sending the lamp tumbling, which knocked over my Scentsy candle warmer (innocent bystander filling house with joyous smells) which threw a pool of melted wax halfway across the room and all over the silk lampshade which had split from the offending lamp -. The RedDog begins crying uncontrollably as I sternly tell him to be more careful.

Next, Big C, who has observed RedDog's shame and confirmed "Yeah, be more careful!" tries to take too many plates out of the dishwasher at one time and loses his grip on one, sending it crashing to the floor where it shatters into five million tiny sharp pieces. Cue crier number two as he gets a "Please take two dishes out at a time" from me with a stern voice.

Last, a scream from upstairs. I run up to find Hannie B crouched on the floor grabbing her head. Yep, she had stood up too quickly after grabbing the wipes from under the sink and bonked her head pretty hard. All she received from me was a hug, a head rub and a "What in the world is going on here today?"

Three kids, three chores, three minutes, all three crying at the same time -- and that is what we call CARNAGE my friends.


Emily said...

Oh the joys of parenting! Good to know your kids are normal. I give them an A for effort!

Julie said...

Wow. Chores are dangerous. It's why I avoid them.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I've had those days too! (I did laugh, though-I am glad it wasn't my kids this time...but it could be us tomorrow!!)

Hil said...

Yikes! Had to laugh at Julie's comment. :)

The Queen Vee said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch, those ouches are for the kids not the candle, lamp or dishes. I'm just glad no one was bleeding or broken except in spirit. Dishes, oh those are so easily replaced, as are candles and lampshades.

Some days chores and chaos go hand in hand.

Kasey said...

Oh man. When it rains, it pours!!! Sounds like you kept your cool! Good job Mom.

Lori said...

Funny post Sam...make that FOUR crying(with laughter!) Hey...we've all been there.

Apis Melliflora said...

The classic chore melt-down in motion. As moms, we've all been a witness (and sometimes participant in) to one of those!

No need to cry about spilt milk.

Tobi said...

Great job keeping your cool. I would have been crying too at the end of that!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

There is an ample amount of crazy around here when Squirrel (who has the same chore as RedDog) decides she's going to try and put the sharp knives away by herself. That's always good for a few screams.

I know a little something about carnage. I think my kid(s) created a little at your house once. I'm still looking for that jellybean jar thing to replace the one my kid(s) destroyed.

Jodie said...

OH MY!!! Somehow we manage to make it to the next day. I don't always understand how, but we do!

Unknown said...

yes carnage is a good word for it, same thing today for me although the 2 were fighting and Sydney just cried because they were crying, just breathe... I could feel the love from your V-day just by looking at the blog, yes post the recipes, I miss finding good sausage here! but I'll keep it for later.