May 23, 2013

Buh bye . . .


Sand. Sun. Food. Family.

This is our recharge.

We love the beach.

I expect to see many faces like the one above this weekend. Freckles and smiles.

It’s what I live for.

Happy Weekend to you all!


Erin said...

Seriously?!?!?! How can a smile not creep across your face when you open up the blog and see that picture? Even with all of the honking on my street this morning (<3 NYC traffic), I couldn't help but smile that it was a long weekend and I am escaping afterwork to the suburbs of Boston for a little R&R with my favorite faux-nieces :) So I guess my word today is SMILE!

Apis Melliflora said...

Have a wonderful time!

Looking at Owlie, I was thinking about how much I love baby teeth smiles.

May your weekend be filled with laughter!

Aiketa said...

Have an awesome time at the beach with the family!!!
I love this photo of Owlie. His blue eyes, his eyelashes, the freckles and his smile! It's the best!
Now I have enough energy to survive this afternoon class, I hope!