March 4, 2013

A Pensive Dragonfly …

I adore the weekends so much! Family time and a break from the scheduled chaos of our lives is always appreciated. Don’t get me wrong – the weekends are still crazy. It’s just a different kind of crazy.

This weekend left me emotionally exhausted with too much to think about.  I couldn’t fall asleep last night between thinking about how I’m going to accomplish several large tasks I’ve taken on and how to help a friend of mine in need. I woke up with tight shoulder muscles, a sure sign of tension filled “rest”.

There are dishes to be done from yesterday. There are multiple loads of laundry needing washing. I’ve got to run errands, but really just want to get back into my jammies and curl up on the couch to sleep.

And still, my mind is thinking, thinking, thinking.

Do you ever have days like this? And why does it always seem to be on a Monday?


The Queen Vee said...
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The Queen Vee said...

Well, I'll help you out, you're off the hook with know the downsizing thing.

Mind not shutting down, Nelson/Cutler genetics. Hopefully tonight you'll sleep better.

Remember, you have July to look forward to :-)

Prioritize, some things may just have go the way....

Apis Melliflora said...

I often feel like Mondays are my Sabbath Day from the weekend. With the children back in school, the fog clears and I can focus better.

We all have feelings of hibernation. You are not alone!

Aiketa said...

This was me last night too. I couldn't fell sleep thinking of how much I need to study for my exams and other school related stuff... Waking up this morning was hard. I had to take a nap this afternoon.

I agree with the Queen, prioritize! Though sometimes it's difficult... (at least for me!).
Now, back to studying for tomorrow internship! :)

Bells said...

Can I just confess that I did go back to bed, curled up in jammies and I watched 3 episodes of a favorite show that I haven't been able to stay current on. So at noon I finally took a shower and then I went and spent some time on the computer. It was nice! But I know I need to go and face the mess and make some semblance of order before people start arriving home!