October 20, 2011

Zippo. Nada. Nothing.

I am at a standstill. I’ve reached an impasse. I am stuck. Up a creek without a paddle. In a jam. Between a rock and a hard place. Do you get my drift?

I’ve got 250 photos just sitting on my camera.  I want to write about them.  But I can’t until I get my computer fixed.  Or my camera fixed. Or my brain fixed to be able to understand technology better. 

It is, in a word, frustrating.

So I’m on hiatus. Will spend time blogging in my brain with the hope that it translates to the screen sometime very soon.  In the mean time, could someone send me an IT guy as mine is in Vegas?



Apis Melliflora said...

Bummer. Maybe you're in line for some new technology? A smart phone? A new laptop?
Fantasy never hurt anyone, right?

Emily said...

When is that hubby of yours going to buy you a mac? You certainly deserve it! Too bad we don't live closer since as you know I live with an IT man:) Hope you can get things fixed soon.

TooTall said...

You need a Mac! Dump the PC!!

Aiketa said...

I think a slow-working or not-working-at-all computer is one of the most annoying things on Earth... at least for me.

I agree with the comment above, get a MAC! I didn't want it at first, but now that I know the difference I will never have a PC again.

Sue said...

If it weren't for the $2500 price tag, I would have me a Macbook Pro outfitted with Photoshop faster than you can say "Boo".

squeezeme said...

I'm feeling your pain, friend! I am finally adding to our travel blog...and what?! My iphoto tells me it is too close to capacity to accept any more photos! Ugg and double ugg, because my IT guy is just too swamped to make it happen! Add this to the list of 4 IT issues I feel I need solved ASAP. I'll say it again, Ugg.