October 19, 2011

Need to Laugh?


When I need to laugh (like I do today because my computer is STILL having serious issues and I cannot download ANY photos from my camera) I just look at these pictures of Owlie with my Dad. 

In the first photo, I made the mistake of saying “Smile!” My dad did as he was told.  Owlie boy?  He thinks he’s smiling.  But really he’s just squinting.

The second picture is what happens when I tell Owlie to look at his papa. That look just tickles my funny bone all over.  You can’t tell it by the photo, but he adores his Papa so much.  He begs to go see his grandies all the time.  Yesterday morning {very early} in the middle of scripture study he declared that we “Call Gamma on da pone.”

I’m so lucky to have my parents close by. They are so helpful with my children, often babysitting or going to a game so I can put the littles to bed on time.  Thanks Queen and Kernal.  You rock, despite what the look on his face says! We sure love you.



Aiketa said...

hahah he is so cute with his faces!

Apis Melliflora said...

Having parents nearby is a HUGE blessing! So glad it's one you and Photobro get to enjoy!

AllisonK said...

Such wonderful expressions! Your parents are lovely, it's nice you are close.

Kasey said...

oh, that cracks me up! Awesome expressions.