October 18, 2011

I Can’t Fbeel My Fbace . . .

I was at the dentist at 7:00 AM.  Now I am numb from my eye down to my chin on the right side. I had to ask the dentist to tell me if my nose was running since I couldn’t feel it.  And then there’s the question of what to do with one’s tongue.  It just flops around in there like a fish out of water getting in the way of drills and suctions and entire hands in the mouth.

Sitting in the dentist’s chair totally ranks up there on my list of awkward situations. How do you feel about the dentist?

Here, I watched this when I got home and almost peed my pants laughing, still after all these years. This man knows the dentist.


Apis Melliflora said...

I only like the dentist when he's just a "yes man." As in: "Yes, your teeth look great. No cavities. See you in 6 months."

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious! Thanks for posting

Aiketa said...

I'm so lucky that I've never had to go through a dentist hands except for a night-teeth-protector (I don't know if there is a word for that, I don't even know the word in Catalan) mesuring... Sure it was not nice to have his hand inside my mouth...

Suzy J said...

Dentists rank up there with Mechanics for me. Necessary evils. You have to go. It will cost a fortune. No one else can do what they do. You know nothing about what they tell you so you have to completely trust them. WHEW! I think you should get a prize like when you were little. Movie tickets? A gift card to a restaurant? Something to make me smile (or half smile depending on how numb I am) when I leave. That way when I have to let go of the HUGE check and pay the man I feel like I got something for my time, money and pain. (a white smile is not cutting it for me lately!) I know this sounds a bit bitter but I am not a fan. SOmething for me to work on! :)