October 24, 2011

You’ve Probably Seen This Before . . .

vaseline hair

But Vaseline Head is always fun to see again. Especially if it’s Vaseline Head on someone else’s kid!

Our Owlie took a different approach than his siblings did in their toddlerhood. They all sought out the vat of Vaseline from a bathroom cupboard.  Not Owlie, he snuck off with a small tube of lip balm from the recesses of my purse and proceeded to squirt it, in its entirety, onto his hands to put on his cheeks and in his hair.

Only when the entire tube was gone did he come find me to say, “Look momma, I wips!” (Translation: I put on “lips”.)

His cheeks are now very, very soft.

And his hair, well, it’s very fashion forward.  If you go for the Bozo the Clown look.

Man, I love this kid. Why does he have to grow up?


TracyS. said...

Wow, my baby Rachel thinks his hairdo rocks! She can't get over that picture. Hopefully she does not follow suit.

The Queen Vee said...

How wonderful that you are writing these experiences down. Kiddos grow so quickly and one forgets, now you will be able to remember when he gets to be a teen like his big brother. I love that little vasaline head, maybe I should try that remedy on my dry hair.

Apis Melliflora said...

My wips say "your gel do is awesome, Ollie!"

christy said...

Love it. When Luke was that age he chose the Vick's Vaporub and got it all over himself right before church. It was pretty awesome. Ollie is so cute.


AllisonK said...

He is so darling! Vaseline hair and all.

Tobi said...

Lotion was our big mess maker when the kids were little. I love and hate the exploring stage. Tell little Owlet that he is a handsome man!

Aiketa said...

Oooooh this is so so so so so C-U-T-E!!! Love his hair but also how he is leaning on his elbow! You have a really cute boy, Samantha!