October 25, 2011

An Eastern Autumn…


This was the view out my back door three mornings ago: sun rising slightly above our roofline, illuminating the leaves on the trees that have suddenly gone from green to golden overnight. It took my breath away and I had to grab my camera while still in my PJs.  Autumn is here and in the East it is stunning.

A few things I am adoring about an Eastern Autumn:

  • Soup. We’ve had it three times in the last week and will be having a ham and bean soup and chili before this week is over. Soup is at the top of my favorite food genre list right now.
  • Long sleeves and layers.  I like feeling cool enough to need to be cozy. A shirt and a cardi for me please.  Not sweaty. Not freezing. Just right.
  • Flannel sheets. I’m always happy to put them on for the first time in Fall and always sad when it’s time to put them away in the Spring. It’s like getting a hug from my bed.
  • Baking.  Yep, I’m baking again. I’ve decided I don’t bake in the summer because it’s too hot. Now I’ve got cupcakes, cookies, breads and more on the mind. Sadly, it means I will also have them on the thighs.
  • Boots. Hooray for boot weather!  I’ve already worn my Wellies twice and my leather boots are standing at attention in the closet as if to say, “Pick me! Pick me!” No worry friends, you will be worn and worn much.
  • Being outside with Ollie. He’s really turned into a sponge just soaking in all the changes in the environment. I love seeing Fall through his eyes.
  • Snuggling my Hubby.  Don’t need to say any more about that. It just rocks.

How about you?  What are you loving about Autumn?


Aiketa said...

This picture is STUNNING!!! Love, love, love it!
I really love autumn colors, they are just perfect. I also happen to like spring with all the flowers blooming... I guess I love mild temperatures (neither too hot nor too cold).

Oooh I absolutely agree with you about the hug from bed! Such a good feeling! ;D

I haven't forgot about the recipe of my Grandma's Escudella... but I have lots of work and it's difficult to translate all the ingredients. But I promise you will have it before Spring... hahahhaa

In my area, we have lots of pine woods so not as many golden leaves around here... How I wish we had more though!

Erin said...

I love everything crisp about Autumn...the crisp blue skies...the crisp cool air that hits your face in the morning...the crisp of the leaves under your feet (and then kicking them up in the air)...and crisp apples!

Apis Melliflora said...

Each leaf
is a love letter
to me
from a tree.
I've fallen
in love

The Queen Vee said...

Soup, autumn sunrises and sunsets, cooler temps, fall follage, shorter days, fires in the fireplace, the smells, pumpkins and gourds, jeans and sweaters.

Margy said...

I LOVE the cooler weather. Long sleeves and sweaters are my favorites.

My little guy is 17 months, so he's discovering all of the leaves and their beautiful colors as they fall on the ground. Each leaf gets a super cute "OOOOoooo" from him.

Fall festivals are also one of my favorites, and the local events like the Halloween parade and Freeze your gizzard run. I love to get out with the family in the fall. Pretty soon we'll be snowed in! (Actually, I just bought Tyler's first snow boots, so we probably won't get any snow this year!)

I'm on a baking kick right now too - everything with pumpkin - cheesecake, snickerdoodles, baked oatmeal...mmmmm.

AllisonK said...

such a great list! I'm with you on the soups! The colors are lovely in your photo. Makes my little tree look so sad, but I'm going to post anyway. Your snuggling comment made me smile. I love fall!