October 26, 2011

Reality Check: Cupcake v. Life . . .


Recently I shot a picture of a delicious pumpkin cupcake.  It was a glorious photo with shiny frosting, perfectly placed toffee crumbles and just the right amount of focus versus blur.  I wanted to lick my computer screen.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I thought I’d share what the rest of the kitchen was doing while this photo was being taken:


Do you see the lone cupcake sitting by the natural light of the window amidst all the dirty dishes, baking supplies and dishrags strewn about. Yep. That’s how I roll. 

In order to get the great shot I had to move all of my random utensils (blocking the light) then take the dirty dishes which I hadn’t done out of the sink (kept sneaking into the shot) and wipe up the crumbs of the cupcake I’d eaten and the frosting I’d spilled so the counter would look clean in the photo.

Man, it’s a lot of work making a cupcake look good. Never mind what it takes to have a clean kitchen.

This photo shoot is an analogy for my house.  When people come to the door they see the first two rooms – our piano room and dining room, sparkling clean, dusted, every item in its proper place looking so lovely. These rooms are the cupcake alone in the photo.

But if they were to step into the back rooms {kitchen, family room} or go upstairs {bedrooms} or heaven forbid, head downstairs {playroom, craftroom and teenager room} they would see that my house is quite lived in and very untidy much of the time, not unlike my kitchen during the cupcake photo.

The cupcakes were delicious. So is my life. But the reality is that a lot of life is messy, gooey, crumbly and so, so yummy. And I’m totally okay with that.


Apis Melliflora said...

Perfect photo for me today as I made those inspired cupcakes and ate two yesterday. There's one more staring at me right now, whispering "Eat me!"

I have a friend who once said that if life is a canvass, she wanted to throw as much paint as possible onto hers. Messy, but colorful and beautiful.

Fact is, life is not a painterly still life.

Aiketa said...

hahahah your post made me smile because you reminded me of a photo I also took of a cupcake for my first anniversary for my blog.

It was exactly the same for me. I had to clean the table and remove some dirty water glasses...
Here is the picture: http://1anyen365fotos.blogspot.com/2011/09/dia-365.html

I have to say though that for me your kitchen is not that messy at all... you would have to see my flat's kitchen sometimes... I guess it's something kind of normal for a shared flat during the university years.

Kernal Ken said...

My life is filled with cupcakes. Audrey is the chocolate-haired one, Mindy, the strawberry one. The Queen, Dragonfly and Apis are vanilla creme variety.

Love those cupcakes, even if the kitchen behind them isn't in inspection order.

LJB said...

First of all, I want to lick the computer screen too! Yum Yum...I am definitely going to try your recipe. Secondly, I love your candidness, your honesty, your "keepin' real" posts! I love ya!

The Queen Vee said...
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Meaja said...

You make people feel accepted for their imperfections, and I speak on their behalfs............THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING MY MESSY LIFE! hehe. Yeah, I really want that cupcake NOW. grr.

The Queen Vee said...

Creative happy people have messy spaces....great post DF

My brain is not functioning I think due to loss of fluid through my nose, I'm going back to bed.

TracyS. said...

I think that kitchen still looks pretty good. Perhaps the monochromatic scheme allows the mess to hide. Still, I like the cupcake looks even best!

AllisonK said...

you are WONDERFUL!!! I love the "reality". So true at my home!