October 27, 2011

Little Superman . . .


This freckled fella may not have x-ray vision, but he sure can see right into my heart.

A few weeks ago an eye doctor visit revealed that RedDog wasn’t seeing so well.  A mild prescription was drawn up and glasses were ordered.

My boy really, really, REALLY wanted the glasses that looked like Harry Potter’s.  I had to gently steer him in a different direction so that his glasses would grow with him as he possibly outgrew his love of the lightning scarred boy wonder.

Waiting for the glasses to arrive was painful.  Every day he’d wake up and ask me “Are they coming today?”  Every day he’d run off the bus and ask me “Did they come today?”  This went on for two weeks.

When they did finally come, I just laid them on the counter amidst the paperwork and calendars and said nothing for the first half hour after school. Then I nonchalantly mentioned that there was something on the counter for him.

He was so excited to have his new glasses!  He went next door to show the neighbors.  He slept with them on his bedside table.  He polished them up and gently placed them in their case to take to school.  He’s been pretty much smitten with them ever since. I feel pretty confident in saying that never before has a boy loved his glasses as much as my RedDog.

I think he looks super cute in them.  Like a mini-Clark Kent. I suggested he be Clark Kent for Halloween and wear a dress shirt over a Superman t-shirt.  He chose to be Harry Potter instead.  So, in the end, he got himself the glasses he wanted, albeit from Party City at $4.99.  Sneaky kid.


Aiketa said...

Sure he looks so cute too! The glasses really fit him!
I remember the day that my doctor told me I had to wear glasses, I was so excited! I was also really happy to wear them at school...
I was 7 or 8 so, more or less the same age as RedDog. Maybe there's something in little-7-8 year-old's-minds that makes wearing glasses so attractive!

Now I prefer the sunglasses! ;P

Aiketa said...

(the first sentece doesn't make much sense... What it should say is: I also think that he sure looks so cute! - Ok that's better!)

Apis Melliflora said...

Boys with glasses are super cute! And since Red Dog was already in that category, now he's super duper cute.

Laurie said...

Oh he is darling!! My little 7 year old is awaiting his as we speak. We just ordered them yesterday and he would have loved the red white and blue variety...or even the green and yellow. We opted for a cool Nike version. Your post made me laugh as I've gotten the 20 questions too. Next. Wed. cannot come soon enough! Love your sweet boy in his!

The Queen Vee said...
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The Queen Vee said...

Yep getting to wear a pair of glasses is such an exciting adventure unfortunately the thrill does wear off.

Red Dog looks so grown up, wise and handsome in his new specs.

I love how some kids can wrangle there way into getting what they really want.

squeezeme said...

Super handsome, Red Dog!