October 30, 2011

Recently Thrifted: Milk Glass


I wish I had great Halloween photos to share with you.  We have a family costume.  But we have no pictures of it since our big Halloween party was cancelled this weekend due to SNOW.  Yes, SNOW.  Maybe tomorrow I’ll do a post-Halloween post. I don’t have a lot of Halloween mojo this year for some reason. Hmmm…

Instead I’ll share a little goody I found reversed scallop milk glass bowls.  They were 50 cents a piece and are the perfect size for a bowl of cereal or ice cream {take your pick}.  I love the reverse scallop detail around the lip of the bowl.  Such a simple detail makes me smile.


This morning my kids enjoyed a bowl of Count Chocula and Boo Berry cereal in these bowls. I only bought it because it was on clearance at Target.  You’d think they won lottery. Sheesh! What’s wrong with Honey Nut Cheerios and Shredded Wheat?

If you think I’m a cereal Nazi, just wait till the smack goes down on the Halloween candy.  I am the meanest mom on the planet.  And I reign supreme. 

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Apis Melliflora said...

Your cereal treat is great way to start the Halloween Day. I'll have to steal that idea for next year. I bet the cereal looked fabulous in those newish bowls.

Snow on Halloween would put a damper on anyone's spirit!

Oh, I do hope your family dons their costumes tonight!