October 4, 2011

Mr. Fix-It . . .

My Owlie can often be found wistfully staring out the glass door into the back yard, hoping someone might let him out in to the great big world.


On this particular day, I found him with his gaze intently fixed on the back door neighbor’s house. He was hypnotized by something he saw and heard there.


When I finally joined him at the door, I could see what was fascinating him.  The neighbor’s roof was covered in construction men ripping off cedar shingles to prepare for a new tin roof. 


They were yelling jovially to one another as they hammered and nail-gunned all while tied to the roof with ropes like adventurous rappelers.  It was a sight to see! 

Ever since this day, Owlie has been Mr. Fix-It.  He has gathered up all of the play tools from the basement and crates them around the house daily trying to “fic” things.  He asks me twenty times a day, “Momma, I fic it?”  I always tell him, “Sure thing, buddy” and then he works his magic on my computer, my kitchen, my blow-dryer, my knee, whatever he deems fixable.

It’s darn cute.  I just have to be very careful he doesn’t find the real tools, because he would use them on any and everything. And then I’d need a real Mr. Fic-It.


The Queen Vee said...

Mr Owlet brought his tools to my house yesterday and fic-ed everything. He did a good job, I highly recommend his services.

Kernal Ken said...

I was a little concerned when Ollie was trying to "fic" our front windows by hammering on the glass...
Nonetheless, a new Bob the Builder in the making!

Tobi said...

Clever little Ollie! I love when they mispronounce words.

Apis Melliflora said...

Apparently, it's hardwired into the guys to fix things & problems.

P.S. I have a long honey-do list here when he finishes all his jobs there.

Aiketa said...

Watch out then Samantha to him not to take the real tools... hahaha
He is so cute! And you such a good mom to let him fic your knee...
I can imagine him going around the house with tools and fic-ing everything... So cute!