October 5, 2011

Captured: A Blessing Day . . .

In August while we were in Utah for the wedding my sister-in-law Heidi’s baby was given a name and a blessing.  It was a sweet moment shared by our close family at my in-law’s home.

I was lucky enough to have my camera handy to capture a few photos of beautiful Lucy in her blessing dress so that her parents could remember the special day. 

A completely cooperative pink baby girl in a perfect white dress just might be one of my favorite photo moments ever. Just look at the rolls on her arms.  Oh lovey love!

I had to get a shot of some of the intricate detailing on the hem of her dress – so pretty!

I loved catching her mid-yawn in this shot.  How could she not be tired?  That bed is just begging for a nap with all of it’s lovely linen pillows.

And her tiny toes wiggling amongst all that fabric were so delish.  How could I resist?

So glad I was there with Lucy on her special day.  Thanks for letting me take your pictures, tiny girl. You are amazing!


Aiketa said...

Gorgeous blessing dress and cute baby, that Lucy!
Feet, toes and fingers are my favorite baby part! They are irresistible to me! I really like the pic with her little foot and toes.
Oh and that bed... sure those pillows are shouting: "Come here and have a nap!".

The Queen Vee said...

She's a beauty as are these photos. Gorgous gown and sweet toes....a perfect combination.

Apis Melliflora said...

Beautiful photos, dress, backdrop and baby. Just want to kiss those cute cheeks.

Ronalin said...

Any baby named Lucy is adorable!