October 6, 2011

A Perfect Fall Friday . . .


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It’s Friday.  And a three day weekend to boot.

We’ve got all sorts of Autumn goodness happening here.  There are volleyball games and baseball games, a night at the corn maze with 500 teenagers, a morning of serious garage sale shopping.

I’m thinking about Halloween. And decorating for Halloween.  I’m also thinking about Hannie B.’s approaching birthday and what we’re going to do for Thanksgiving.

I think I can finally say that I’ve bid a final adieu to summer and I’m moving on. Now I’m going to go make some pumpkin cupcakes with maple frosting.  I think that will be the icing on the cake! {Pun intended.}

Have a great weekend!


Erin said...

Ooh those cupcakes sound delightful (when I complete my 21 day sugar detox)! Can you share pictures & a recipe when you are done?

Happy long weekend!

The Dragonfly said...

I will share a recipe and pictures when I get my computer fixed. Right now I cannot download ANY new pictures! It is frustrating me. I've been digging in my archives to find old photos I haven't used yet. There aren't many.

Apis Melliflora said...

Fall is when I fell in love. And so, I'm always in love with fall

The Queen Vee said...

I hope no one gets lost in the maze :-)

Aiketa said...

Ooooh pumpkin cupcakes, sure this sound delicious (as I'm typing this my mouth is watering [not sure this is the correct way to say it, but I hope you understand what i mean]).

Looking forward for the recipe!