October 3, 2011

Random Thoughts: Fall Favorites Edition . . .


  • My Owlie is totally digging fort building right now.  So we build, destroy and rebuild one multiple times a day.  It makes us both laugh. When I try to fit my big body into his little fort, it makes him laugh a lot more.
  • It’s cold enough for soup.  Have I mentioned that I love soup? And that I recently braved making my own noodles for chicken noodle? Um, it’s heavenly, doughy goodness and I love it so much I want to cry.
  • My daughter begged me to let her shave her legs. I consented.  Mostly because this is how old I was when I started shaving mine.  But also because her legs were DANG HAIRY!
  • The ants are no longer invading my home thanks to a very heroic effort by a man from my church congregation.  I want to kiss him – but not in an inappropriate way.  More in a “Thank you for ending my insanity because I could not wake up one more morning to find hundreds of ants crawling on my kitchen counter” kind of way.  Instead of kissing him, I think I will bake him banana bread.
  • My first born is taking the PSAT on Saturday.  He is going to be in for a big surprise.  The dude is in 8th grade and has no idea what he’s getting into.  Gotta love him for it.
  • I only have to make two Halloween costumes this year. Why? Because I’m the meanest mom ever and don’t allow my Middle Schoolers to trick or treat. You thought you were mean, and now you realize you are not. You’re welcome.
  • General Conference rocked my world this weekend.  I need to use my time more wisely. My husband is showing my daughter how much he loves her by the way he loves me. He loves her A LOT.  And oh yeah, The Book of Mormon is true and will change your life.  You should read it.
  • I’m having some computer trouble.  I have a good IT guy on it though. He just happens to live in Maryland and can’t work on my problem again until next week, so photos on the blog might be sketchy ‘til then. Please bear with me.
  • Candy corn pumpkins.  My personal temptation come Autumn.  Help me.  I’m going to wind up in a sugar coma.  That is all.


Apis Melliflora said...

I so enjoy your random thoughts posts...because that's how my brain works. Relieved about the ants. Impressed by the noodle making! Love that little prince in his castle.

The Queen Vee said...

Could that Owlet be any cuter? Two -Three year olds...they're the best.

Love all the randomness, that's how my brain functions all the time.....ha ha...that's what Apis posted too, I just noticed. Must be genetic.

Anonymous said...

I know what you're talkin' about. I love homemade noodles, forts (the best kind made by children), pumpkin candies (make my teeth hurt but I eat them away), and soup - we began with Butternut Squash.
Happiest Autumn ever.
Now go jump in a pile of leaves - oops, too soon.

AllisonK said...

Such a happy fall list! My house is currently quiet and I'm trying to get myself back in the kitchen to finish the peaches. Fall is a favorite!

Kasey said...

You are always a ray of sunshine for me! So positive and inspiring!!

Aiketa said...

I love soup... I love it that much that I can eat it also during Summer. I'm that crazy! I just remembered that was me and my sister were teenagers, we used to go to my grandpa's house to eat my grandma's "escudella" (it's not soup, something similar but much better. And my grandma taught me it's offensive to call it soup, so I'm using the proper word) during Summer. It was so hot that while eating we had to start taking off our clothes... (just until an appropiate amount) but so worth it.

How old is Hannah now? Wow, they are growing so fast! I also remember when I did it for the first time. I also so needed it!

I watched the talk about how to raise a daughter. I liked it.