June 15, 2011

For Melissa . . .

This is for my sister Melissa, who would like to see more video footage of my little guy. It is also for me since I have been up past midnight and waking up at 6 AM for the last four nights and have absolutely no brain power to write a post worth beans today.  What I do have is half a rainbow cake which needs to be finished and a back deck to decorate for our last day of school party. It’s going to be epic. 

And now, I give you Owlie eating his first slice of summer goodness. Do enjoy.


Kernal Ken said...

Hard to get any cuter than this! We love our Owlie...

Apis Melliflora said...

That was just awesome! Soon enough, I'm going to be following Owlie around just to see what he'll say and do next.

Oh, and leave it to a sweet little boy to turn an innocent slice of watermelon into a sword that can make each lantern sway back and forth.

Aiketa said...

So sweet how he says and waves "Hi" and "bye". And he is so big!

The Queen Vee said...

Owlet you're a darn cute movie star and a really good water melon eater too. I heart you!

Anonymous said...

What an incredibly smart mother you are!! Having Owlie eat the watermelon outside probably saved a lot of clean-up! I make my kids eat Popsicle's outside.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

JUST ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Thank you for sharing!!!!!

Susan said...

Love that cutie pie! He is just so sweet.

AmberLee said...

oh he is a darling! i love this age, love getting to reintroduce them to summer all over again.

your voice sounds great on video, btw, if you ever get board with blogging you should do broadcasting!