November 12, 2010

Friend For Life . . .


A few months ago I mentioned feeling a bit alone in the close friend department. And I am still learning what that means in my life right now.  Mostly it means that because I am so busy with my four kids and their schedules, my church responsibilities and the general day-to-day running of an empire {okay,  household}, I am okay with it.  But there are still those times when I long for a long phone chat, a good gut laugh or a night out with a girlfriend.

Enter Jennie.

Jennie and I met in college.  I knew instantly that we’d be friends for life.  We connected on another level.  It was a hilarious level. And she has not disappointed me ever since. Everyone should have a friend like Jennie.  Someone they can:

* Tell their heartbreaking stories to.

* Laugh with about words that are gross, like moist or paunch.

* Cook new recipes with.

* Share photographs from life’s adventures with.

* Watch the final episode of Lost {again} and cry with.

* Tell horrific bikini waxing stories with.

* Lay hopes, dreams, insecurities and fears out in front of.

* Paint toenails with.

* Be inspired by.

* Share a love of chocolate, travel, pens, kitchen gadgets, words, books, design, vampires, art and movies with.

* Laugh with.

* Cry with.

* Have deep conversations about life, love and God with.

* Laugh and cry even more with.

So this morning when my sweet Hubby told me my recent blogging was lacking, I told him I didn’t care.  Not because I don’t care, but because my friend Jennie flew all the way across the country to see me and I want to enjoy her company. Because she’s been there for me and I want to do the same for her.

If you’ve ever had a friend like Jennie, I know you’ll understand. If you’ve ever been a friend like Jennie, I adore you.

We’ll be friends for life.

Photo secretly stolen off of Jennie’s blog. 


The Queen Vee said...

Everyone wants Jennie to be their best friend for life. She's like the Pied Piper of friendom, the minute you meet her you just want to follow her where ever she goes and bask in her aura. Jennie is one super duper funny talented smart sexy spiritual (yep those two adjectives are together) woman. I adore your best friend.

Apis Melliflora said...

Friends can restore the soul and give you just what you needed. So glad you got some QT with Jennie!

Jessie said...

I think you have a great husband, but why on earth would he put pressure on you to blog?? Blogging should be something that you do because you enjoy it and it fits into your schedule.

I remember Jennie from Stover Hall...Wayne's World is what comes to mind! I didn't realize you two were BFFs...she sounds like a wonderful friend, along with being very funny!

Burton's blog said...

Great friends make life frosting on a delicious cake. When you are feeling down and need a new horrific waxing story, call me. You will laugh for hours, money back garantee!

Tobi said...

Great friends are hard to find. Enjoy every last minute with your pal Jennie! Your blog with still be here when you reluctantly head back to reality.