November 11, 2010

My Dad, My Hero . . .


Every year on November 11th our elementary school holds a very special Veteran’s Day Assembly. 

Every year the the Cub Scouts enter in their little blue uniforms to post the American flag, the audience recites the Pledge of Allegiance and children from each grade sing a patriotic song to honor the veterans in attendance.

Every year my dad attends, looking dapper with his medals on his chest and his cap firmly on his head.  Every year {for the past seven years} he has called the other veterans to attention to salute the children, faculty, staff and families in attendance at the assembly. 

And every year I cry. Like a baby.

I love you Dad.  Thank you to you and all the others who serve our country.

ps.  Blogging sporadically as my AH-MAZING friend Jennie Doezie is in town and we must PLAY. :)


Suzanne C said...

My dad was in the Air Force years ago and I love looking at his photos in uniform (think young James Garner). I love that your dad is so active in your family and takes his responsibility to heart. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

The Queen Vee said...

Great pic and post Samantha, I salute you! I also swiped the photo and posted it on my fb wall, hope you don't mind.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I'm sure I'd be crying right there with you. It's gotten to the point where I avoid all ceremonies like that because I can't hold it together and you know how I feel about crying in public. :-)

Apis Melliflora said...

I think it's great that he goes every year faithfully. That's a great picture of him too. Great all around.

Have fun with Jennie!

Tobi said...

How special! I would be crying too. A lot.