November 15, 2010

Ollie @ 16 Months . . .


Our sweet lastborn has been with us for sixteen months.  He is delightful and daring and pretty much runs the show around here. He fills my days with his busy-busy ways, his babbling talk and even a few terrific tantrums.  Here’s what else the boy wonder can do:

* Finally wear his feather light, white hair in a little faux hawk.

* Say bubble. Over and over and over. He also says hi, bye, go, woof woof, cheese, shoes and momma.

* Follow a set of complex directions, like “Go get your shoes and bring them to Mommy” or “Can you throw the diaper in the trash can?”.

* Climb up on our couch, dining table chairs and various  other child endangering, height-involved items.

* Turn on the Queen’s iPod and pick a song at random.

* Laugh at a joke without getting the punch line.

* Charm the pants off everyone at Costco with his waving and “hi”. And I mean everyone.

* Put his favorite lamb stuffed animal under a blanket and make a snoring sound to tell me it’s asleep.

* Make every diaper change an exercise in futility by wiggling and writhing and crying in protest.

* Talk on a phone, cell phone, electric razor or remote {to him, all phones}.

* Cheese hard for a picture.

* Slide down all five slides at our local park.

* Run full tilt.

* Spot a plane at a ridiculously far distance in the sky, point to it and say “Ooohh.”

Photo of Ollie in his Little Man Sweater taken last Friday.


lee kriel said...

His hair looks like his uncles! Awesome.

Love the details of the stage he is will be wonderful look back. I know it reminded me of my boys at that age. Thanks for sharing.

I hope I see Ollie at Costco!

Apis Melliflora said...

That's quite an impressive resume! I'd hire him in a second.

The Queen Vee said...
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The Queen Vee said...

Little Owlet you get two hoots up from me, just wish you wouldn't grow up quite so fast. No doubt about it you're GT and a big flirt!

Angelique said...

So cute how he tucks his lamb in and pretends it's snoring. Love that.

Kasey said...

I can't believe how fast he's grown! So cute. Love that sweater.