October 14, 2010

Thoughts On Vision . . .


Image via Google Images

Yesterday my Hannie B. took her first trip to an optometrist.  The visit was hastily arranged after a car ride last week wherein my girl confessed she couldn’t read a nearby street sign I was pointing to.

I sat with her during the exam as the doctor placed various lenses over her eyes, asked her to read a jumble of letters and declared her to be a tad bit nearsighted.

Both the Hubby and I have excellent vision, so we were a bit surprised by this whole development.  It’s new territory for us. I have to admit, I felt relief after several attempts, when the doctor put lenses in front of my sweet girl and she exclaimed, “Ahh! Now that, I can read! It says E K S N!” 

Her vision will be restored, albeit with a little help.  Her glasses will arrive in two weeks.


When I was asked to do a radio interview, I panicked.  I couldn’t see how anything I have to say would sound right, be coherent enough for anyone to listen to or qualify me as someone with “expertise in the field of blogging.”

Initially I felt like I should say no to doing the interview. I told the Hubby and he suggested I think about it a bit longer.  I decided I should really think about it.  In other words, I should take it to the Lord.

So I asked Him.  And the thought that {repeatedly} came to my mind was this: Bring honor to those who choose to be mothers and encourage them to write their family’s history.

And with that I realized that the interview was not to be about self promotion of my blog but instead was meant to encourage women who are engaged in one of the toughest professions out there: Motherhood. So I agreed to do the interview.

It was as if my vision, albeit with a little Help, had been restored.

Ps.  I’m working hard to get an MP3 file of the interview up on the blog . . . patience dear readers, my tech skills are lacking.


Sue said...

I can totally see Hannie rockin' some cool red or green glasses.

Blogging is all about recording who we are. I often think ahead a couple of generations and imagine my granddaughter reading my blog book. I hope she will read it and have a desire to be a mother.

The Nerd Mom said...

We had the SAME thing w/Peyton last spring. He was playing baseball and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Then he had his annual checkup, and I stood behind him and watched while he could only read E! Lightbulb moment. I had no idea, because, like you all, neither John nor I wear glasses. It was not even on my radar screen.

As for your interview, I really enjoyed it and it inspired me to take the leap I had been contemplating for awhile now. So thanks!

Audrey Carlson said...

I wonder if eye sight in hereditary? My parents didn't have problems either and now only because they are older do they use reading glasses. I didn't get glasses until I started working full time and spent much of it in front of a computer. Maybe it's a part of the world we live in now.

Elise said...

Can't wait to listen to the interview, and to see Hannie's new glasses!

Apis Melliflora said...

She will look great with glasses: tres chic et tres intelligent!

Your instincts about the interview were good because they got you to think carefully and speak thoughtfully about blogging...and, even so, you were still your usual charming, genuine self.