October 21, 2010

Frustration . . .

I have spent the day fighting my computer.

It will not let me post anything to my blog. It will not let me post anything on anyone else's blog. I'm beginning to loathe it.

To counteract my frustration, I have eaten my body weight in Halloween chocolate. I don't really feel any better. But now I know I really have a serious love of Milky Ways. And Almond Joys.

Please forgive me if my absence becomes prolonged. My IT guy {aka: The Hubby} is working on the problem and generously loaning me his computer for the night. He is good to me. Unlike chocolate and my computer.


Emily said...

I hope he can fix it fast or else I might have to eat some Milky Ways and Almond Joys for you, my favorites!

Apis Melliflora said...

If only chocolate could fix the computer...

NovelTeaMommy said...

I feel the same way when my internet goes down (like clockwork, once every other month). It makes me wonder how SAHM's stayed sane pre-internet.

Sue said...

A pool of saliva actually just collected under my tongue.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Computers are like cars. They are great when they work....not so much when they don't!!