October 25, 2010

Dependency & Co. . . .

Image via Google Images

It was a long, dark weekend. I have come to rely too much on my computer. And I did not have my computer this weekend. It was a cause of strain and frustration all weekend long. Now I have my computer, but it is not the same. There are things that have been lost. I'm still pretty mad at my computer. Technology and people are so fickle.

I thought a lot about my dependency on the computer this weekend. I had to hand write an important document for church. Embarrassing. I could not download the pictures from my camera, so I simply stopped taking pictures. Sad.

I read and reread all the comments about cell phones and kids this morning. Great comments! Great thoughts! I think what it comes down to for me is dependency. I've watched too many kids {and adults, for that matter} become entirely too dependent on their phones as means of communication with friends, family & the world, when a simple, personal face to face conversation would have done just fine.

The Hubby and I are taking all that we've read, plus additional studies and findings into consideration as we create our 'Family Cell Phone Policy'. It is an evolution I will share with you when we feel it is complete.

In the meantime, I am going to work on decreasing my unhealthy dependencies. Which means less time on the computer and more facetime with those I love. I can happily report that I have significantly reduced my TV intake since summer began. I've spend more time reading good books and less time watching shows that demean women, families and moral life in general. And I feel glad for it.

If, however, you happened to be watching WJLA Channel 8 in the greater Washington DC area tomorrow at 11:00 AM, you just might see me having a little live interview about this here blog!

Any suggestions on what one should wear for a live TV interview would be much appreciated. At this point, all I have is good hair, thanks to an amazing stylist who fit me in at the very last minute. Oh, and some knee high gray boots.

Happy Monday!


Apis Melliflora said...

We are all dependent on our technology. You're in good company there. But, I agree, that it's a good idea to disengage periodically and re-allign priorities and modes of communication.

Tobi said...

I hope they post your TV interview online so I can watch it!

I know that you will pick something classic and beautiful to wear. I won't even attempt to advise you.

Kasey said...

Yes, post a link to your interview! You are awesome!

The Queen Vee said...

Technology...some days we can't live with it but most days we can't live without it. I love technology but one does have to have discipline while using it. Of course there is that problem of bugs, worms, hard drives crashing and lots of really bad evil gross stuff out there in techno/internet world. I know you'll find the balance for you and your family.

The Nerd Mom said...

Sounds like you're still Fame-ish!

Well, I think you probably want to look like a mom, lol. Khakis and a simple top? I hear plain jewel tones are good for TV (no patterns or words that distract the eye). That's the extent of my advice. :)

Does baby Ollie get to go, too?

The Queen Vee said...

Ken here. It's Halloween Week. Dress like your brother and sister did on Saturday night in Denver...

See the Queen's Facebook page for templates. Tell the hubby he has to come along in costume as well.

lee kriel said...

Buy an Apple. ;)

Hugs! Can't wait to see your interview! You will look and sound as wonderful as you always do!

brendag said...

I planned to watch your interview this morning. I was very excited for you! I went to visit a dear sister from my ward, my appointment was at 9:30. I thought, if I can make this a short visit and only be there an hour I can make it home to see Samantha. I knew that was a long shot, some people just need to talk. I left at 11:30...glad I could help my dear friend, sad I missed seeing your interview. poi