September 24, 2010

Wow. Just Wow.

Yesterday was an emotional one.  So emotional that my sweet Momma had to direct me to my calendar for a minute where I realized  I’m an emotional wreck for a reason!  Hallelujah, I’m not losing my mind.

It was also emotional because so many of you let me know that you understand the way I’m feeling, and have had similar feelings.  Thank you for your kind and comforting words. It was reconfirmed to me through comments and emails that I have many friends in the amazing women that YOU are.

By far the most emotional moment yesterday was when I  stepped out on my front porch and found this waiting for me:


Remember those lifelong friends I mentioned needing to thank yesterday?  Yeah.  They’re like that – feeling my sorrow and then doing something about it.

Kirsten, I adore all six feet and three four inches of you completely.  You may be tall, but it’s the size of your heart that blows me away.  Thank you for changing what started out as a difficult day into one I will never forget.  Your heartfelt letter and gift to me was of one of the most genuine acts of kindness I have ever been the recipient of and made me feel so completely loved – by both you and God.

Now I feel like shouting it: Go out and do something nice for someone today!

Ps.  The new figurine is going in MY room, not Hannie’s, to always remind that I have AMAZING friends.


The Queen Vee said...

Hate to tell you but I think K is 6'5" tall and yes, she is gorgeous inside and out with a big HEART, especially for you.

Kasey said...

I just love thoughtful friends.

AllisonK said...

How absolutely wonderful!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Kirsten, you rock!

TooTall said...

Well, you both are wrong- I am 6'4"". HA HA!
I am so glad that my little gift made a hard day a bit easier. Talk about timing! God knows when we need a "pick-me-up"! Just wanted you to know that I love you Sam and I am thankful for our lifelong friendship!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Yay Kirsten!

I'm always quite baffled when new friends of mine are so concerned about whether their kids will have good, lifelong friends being Army brats.

Umm yes!!

Apis Melliflora said...

Prayers are answered in mysterious ways. Happy you had a Wow day!