June 4, 2010

Baby On The Beach . . .

I was curious to see what Mr.Ollie was going to think about our time at the beach.  New house, new crib, new people around, new sights, sounds and textures – basically, it could be really great or a total disaster.  Take a look at these pictures and see what he thought of his new experience.

Day One:

The first time his leg hit the sand, he immediately lifted it up and held it there, unsure of what he’d touched.  The boy’s got some mad skills – you try holding your leg elevated off the ground for a couple of minutes . . . no easy task.


Eventually he decided the sand was okay and the shovel was downright awesome. 


This picture had me at hello.  Those little legs.  The big ones too.  But it’s the swim trunks that are killing me.  Too, too cute.


While checking out the water with his daddy for the first time, Ollie would cry when the waves got near and have to be lifted up before they reached him.


Halfway through the first day on the beach Ollie decided the best place to be was on his Grammy’s bosom.  He was feeling punk and running a fever. He never got back to enjoying himself.


Day Two:

Fever behind him, little O-man got back to his shovel and added a bucket and sand tasting to his resume.  Why do kids not mind eating sand?  I’ve tried it and have to say, it’s just too gritty for my sensitive palate.


He also offered to share some of his pretty sea shells with passersby.


Ollie and his dad decided that the beach was the perfect venue for practicing some of their ‘Baby Acrobat’ tricks.  Ollie was in prime form, sitting still as a statue and smiling while his blue eyes lit up with the sky as a back drop. {Cue Grammy fainting in the background}


On day two Ollie decided that the cool water was actually his friend and felt good to his hands and tiny toes.  Now instead of lifting him up, his dad had to make sure he didn’t wash away into the surf.


But absolutely, hands down, without question the highlight of day two – and the possibly the entire trip – was when Ollie and licorice were reunited in a slippery, sticky, messy affair.  You’d better believe that this finger pointing at you is saying “Touch my licorice and die.” My boy even dropped a piece in the sand, proceeded to pick it up and gobble it down as if it had been dipped in sugar.  Yeah, I know.


So, over all, I’d say Ollie’s first trip to the beach was great.  Sickness aside, he was a total trooper and willing to give all new things a chance.  Can’t wait to take him back next year . . . I’m pretty sure he’s going to love it!


Sue said...

BOOBIE! Ollie's totally workin' that hat.

I want some licorice.

Tobi said...

Ollie is even cuter covered in licorice and sitting on the beach. I didn't know that was even possible.

Apis Melliflora said...

He's a beach boy, that's for sure! My favorite shot is the two sets of legs and swim trunks.

The Queen Vee said...

I think next year he'll take to it like a duck to water. When you're feeling punk even sun, blue skies and water is hard to appreciate. Good thing I had those great mema pillows for him to lay on; I knew they were for good something.

Burton's blog said...

Great pictures! Looks like a great vacation. Those "big legs" in the third pic look strangely familiar!