May 6, 2010

Some Teacher Love . . .

It's Teacher Appreciation Week!  Unfortunately, we were a little late to the party this week.  I didn't remember until Wednesday.  And my kids were disappointed with me, which really stems from seeing other kids bring gifts to the teacher while remaining empty handed themselves.  So I'm trying to make up for it.

A few years ago the PTA at our school changed the format for Teacher Appreciation.  I have been very grateful that they shifted the focus from gifts that can get expensive to gifts that are homemade, thoughtful and can fit every style of budget.

Last year we had fun making all sorts of gifts at little to no cost.

This year we're back at it.  Wednesday's theme was to write a thoughtful note to your teacher.  Last year we did miniature notes that had to be read with a magnifying glass.  This year the kids did backwards notes that had to be read in the mirror.
We typed the message up in a desktop publishing program and then used the "horizontal flip" feature to make the writing backwards. Cost: FREE - all supplies on hand.

Today the kids were supposed to bring the teachers a piece of fresh fruit.  I figured there would be lots of apples, bananas, pears, etc.  So we bought some fresh strawberries and made a little label to attach to a cello bag. Cost: the price of four strawberries {50 cents?}.  All other supplies on hand.

Tomorrow is treat day.  I plan to incorperate the flowers and classroom supplies I missed on Monday &Tuesday into tomorrow's gift and I'm going to do it on the cheap! {you knew that, though, didn't you?}

Stay tuned for the wrap up tomorrow!

ps.  I finally updated the photoblog last night.  If you want to see my favorite picture EVER, click here.


The Queen Vee said...

I'm in awe of you because you're so creative, clever, cheap and cool.

Apis Melliflora said...

There's a special part of your brain that's called "the spur of the moment super creative part" and it's a rather large part, I'm sure of it.

Tobi said...

Oh man I feel like a major dweeb. I completely forgot about teacher appreciation week. Perhaps I get a pass since we just moved and Dude just got a new teacher? Ahhh...I thought not.