May 7, 2010

Flowers and Chocolate . . .

Everyone knows that flowers and chocolate are a way to a woman's heart.  Okay, they're the way to this woman's heart.

Since we missed Tuesday's teacher appreciation, I figured we could throw a flower in with Friday's theme which was to take a treat to the teacher.  I had some leftover fabric and wondered if I could make a fabric flower pin the teachers could wear, something longer lasting than a fresh flower.  I found a great tutorial here, and using what I had on hand {read:  FREE!} I crafted this:

It was even easier than I expected. The tutorial was excellent.  Here's the back, with some hand stitching detail:

Aside from sewing the six layers of fabric together, the back is the ONLY sewing involved.  This would be a great project for little girls or even Young Women.  Imagine how cute it would look on a headband or hair clip!  Possibilities galore.

If life weren't so crazy right now, I'd have stayed up and baked some homemade cookies or granola as a treat to accompany the flowers.  Instead I shopped the clearance aisle of Target and found some gourmet candy.  Decadent storebought chocolate is always an acceptable replacement for homemade goodies in my book.

All four teachers gifts were wrapped up in a box with a bow, tag and Dragonfly {of course}. 

And now that Teacher Appreciation Week is over, I am off to lunch with my mom, my sister and my sis-in-law.  Fun for me!
dragonfly signature


Tobi said...

Flowers and chocolate are favorite language of love. I think you did a fantastic job showing those teachers appreciation.

Apis Melliflora said...

You stitched those up in a day? So cute. Assuming all the teachers are women this year.

The Queen Vee said...

Lucky teachers to have your kiddos in their classes they should be give you flowers and chocolate for having such great kiddos.

TracieCarter said...

Those are so adorable!!! I might even hit a fabric shop so I can make some of those and that's sayin' somethin'! I LOVE your ideas and since our Teacher's week was delayed until the return of Easton's teacher after the passing of her mom, I knew you'd come through with great ideas again! Thanks!!!

Susan said...

we should have done those for the young women's fundraiser!