May 21, 2010

Excuse Me For Not Blogging . . .

I have recently felt the guilt of purposefully letting my world come to a halt, leaving chaos and unfinished projects in my wake.  And now, in an act of compassion towards my Hubby, I have the energy of “get ‘er done” in my veins and am wholly committed to moving forward so we can get on with our life!

So, dear readers {if, in fact any of you are still reading}, I have spent the past few days starting – and completing – projects!  Want to know what’s keeping me busy these days?  Here are a few photos:


Upcoming birthdays deserve brown paper packages tied up with strings, no?  Can I just tell you how much I am loving my Divine Twine and dragonfly stamp in coordinating colors!


Hello Caterpillar!  Are you ready to become a butterfly?  I’m here to help you with your transformation . . .


Silver Streak, you are all I could ever ask for in a paint – calm, serene, low VOC and great with coverage.  Ask me if I feel the same way about you once the other six walls are painted.


Hello Handsome!  You are going to be a great bed for a teenaged boy.  You are black, manly and so very vintage thrift store wonderful. Thanks for helping us with upcycling.  Can’t wait to see you in your new digs.


Little fellow, how am I ever going to get any of these projects done when you would be content to sit and swing at the park for hours, watching the other kids play and the doggies walk by.  You and your striped bucket hat are hands down the best project I’ve got going!


Unknown said...

He's definitely the best project hands down. I love that striped hat. I need to get a hat for Flash.

Apis Melliflora said...

I can't wait to see each and every one of these projects as they progress...and to get my little pitty paws on a certain one, but I might have to just admire the packaging for awhile before opening it.

AllisonK said...

Nothing better than completing projects and these look like some great ones.

Emily said...

I'm glad you like your stamp. Where do you get divine twine? Can't wait you see all your projects, but remember to enjoy the best one of all, because he'll be running around like mister "D" in no time.

The Queen Vee said...

You're doing great things and the results are terrific.

Tobi said...

Life intrudes on blogging. That's not a bad thing. Just gives you more to blog about when you complete all your fun projects. I can't wait to see the finished results of hard labors.

Keep smiling Ollie.