September 22, 2009

What Would You Do?

If you were told you only had two weeks left to live, what would you do?

Would you fight less and love more?

Would you mend broken relationships?

Would you watch the sun rise and set?

Would you smile and laugh?

Would you tell people how you feel about them?

Would you apologize for things you'd done wrong?

Would you gather your family tightly around you?

Would you pray for understanding?

Would you show gratitude for your talents?

Would you be a better mom, dad, brother, sister, son or daughter?

Would you see beauty in the smallest details of your life?

Would you acknowledge your many blessings and where they come from?

Would you appreciate just being able to breathe in and out?

Would you accept God's will for you and act upon it?

What would you do? And why aren't you doing it right now? Because time is precious and I propose that these are the things we should be doing every single day of our lives. Now I've got to go and do.

Thank you Uncle for helping me realize.


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Is it that fast? I could sense that things weren't going well - but that's overwhelming. Thanks for making me cry this morning.
But really, thanks for making me think.

Suzanne C said...

My prayers are with all of you. I was hoping for an outcome like your dad's. I'm so grateful for the knowledge and belief that our existence doesn't end here. God Bless all of you.

west wind said...

Thank you for the reminder of the gifts we have everyday in life, and need to use daily. I am wishing peace and serenity for your family during these few weeks.

The Queen Vee said...

Kirk can check everything off his list, he's done it all and will graduate at the top of his class. Credit must also be given to his wife Julie and daughters Liz and Amanda as they too, are totally amazing.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Wow, what a powerful post. I can't begin to imagine what their family is going through. But it sounds like his spirit will live on.

Kasey said...

Great thought. Praying for you and your family.

Apis Melliflora said...

This is the check list that should be on our fridge everyday of the year. It certainly is the list that's been consuming my thoughts, prayers and actions these past couple of weeks.

squeezeme said...

With my grandma in the last few days of her life this is a beautiful time to reflect on how I am living. I send my love to you and your family...