September 23, 2009

My Little Laundering Hero . . .

Image via Google Images

If you've ever had a newborn in your house, you know that he {or she} comes with a secret mathematical equation:

1 tiny person (1/4 the size of all the other people in the house) + nourishment =3 x the amount of laundry of any other person in the house

And it's not just laundry. It's laundry stained by stuff that magically makes its way out of reliable diapers in tiny amounts or explosively in voluminous amounts and always up the back! I can't even count the number of times Ollie's been dressed, ready to go and looking mighty dapper, I might add, and then there's a rumbling of sorts, a cannon sounds {figuratively speaking} and suddenly we are peeling him out of his clothes and starting all over again.

I have a special bucket I put all the "really bad" laundry in. I let a small pile accumulate, which unfortunately takes about two days, and then don my yellow rubber gloves and grab my secret weapon: The Fels Naptha Bar.

Fels Naptha is a 100 year old laundering product made by the Dial Corporation. It looks like a block of cheese or a dingy yellow bar of soap. It is the one thing I have found that gets baby poop and formula stains out of clothes EVERY SINGLE TIME. I soak my clothes in cold water, wet the bar and scrub till my hands hurt. I rinse everything out and throw it in the washing machine {again with only cold water} and Viola! it comes out stain free.

Unfortunately, I can't find Fels Naptha on the East Coast, so I have to special order it from my peeps in Utah. Must be something about lots of ladies having lots of babies out there . . .

Tell me, what is your greatest laundry weapon?


west wind said...

baking soda and vinegar are my secret weapons...occasionally aspirin works too, no kidding.

Apis Melliflora said...
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Apis Melliflora said...

Now know what's on the top of my Christmas list!

MelancholySmile said...

I use something similar-- it's a pink laundry bar called ZOTE, and so far I can only find it in Food City, where all the mexican brands are sold.

Kasey said...

thanks for the tip!!

jd said...

the Kiss-Off stick!

it gets out grease, paint, "baby", etc. Not for use in large doses, though, it's just the size of a big glue stick. Gets out little annoying stains, though.

Also-- if you have oil-based ink from screen printing on your clothes, Bean-E-Doo does wonders.. :)

Anonymous said...

Fels Naptha is also great for washing up if you get into poison oak or sumac or ivy I guess back there. Bob used it all the time in the Forest Service. I use a product called Soilove. It could even get out the red dirt from little league white pants. I love it but not sure you can get it out there. Love mamahaas

Tobi said...

I wash my laundry as little as possible and hang it up instead of folding it. Honestly I don't think that qualifies as a secret. More like common sense. =)

The Carlsons said...

I second the soilove, that's why my mom always brings more when she comes to visit me. But you've got to love the special bar too!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

I have been known to throw away many outfites, onesies and jamnmies. Wasteful, yes, but sometimes I just can't deal and my sanity is sometimes just more important. Otherwise it is the Dreft stain remover for me!