September 21, 2009

Handmade Monday (Part 2)

Today's topic: tiny shoes! Aren't they divine? With tone on tone felt, intricately sewn details and little metal grommets for the checked ribbon laces, I like to imagine they were cobbled by small fairy tale elves late at night in a room lit by a candle. In reality, they were made for Oliver by a talented gal in my church congregation and they came with another pair in blue and green. I love them - and so do my kids {remember, obsessed with tiny}!

They are so little that Ollie only wore them once to church, but they looked simply stunning with his tan pinstriped pants and little Baby Gap polo. I can't bear to put them away, so they sit on the table next to his crib for all to see - until I find them on Hannie B's dolls or RedDog's stuffed animals.

Thanks Lisa! A boy needs shoes . . . just ask the Hubby. {note to self: future post about the Hubby's shoe obsession.}

ps. Thanks for all the advice on non-dairy alternatives. I've already nixed Rice Milk because it tasted like water on my Raisin Nut Bran. Next up is the reader's favorite - Silk. Stay tuned.


Tobi said...

Sweet little shoes. That's one talented lady to make shoes for little Oliver.

The Queen Vee said...

Give those kiddos some serious lovin from me, with or without shoes on their feet.

Apis Melliflora said...

So boutique looking and so adorable! I can see why they are on display: they look so innocent and precious, just like little Ollie.