September 3, 2009

Three Word Thursday . . .

So. Long. Summer.

Sure signs that Summer is coming to an end around here:
The cherries I've been devouring during the past few weeks are no longer "in season"

I'm enjoying the last arrangement of flowers from my cutting garden.

And, for the first time since his birth, Ollie has worn actual clothes during the day and long pajamas at night {as opposed to 'onesies'} for three days in a row due to cooling temperatures.

Time to send the big kids to school and work on getting this little boy to sleep during the day.


west wind said...

i too am mourning the passing of in season cherries, but the wild choke cherries are ripe, and the foxes and coyotes are chowing down.

Tobi said...

Lovely flower arrangement. I'm not mourning summer. I will not miss the Texas heat at ALL!

Apis Melliflora said...

All beautiful pictures of a summer gone by. But you saved the best for last.

The Queen Vee said...

Summer, what summer? That Owlie is one cutie patootie, sweeter than red ripe cheeries and blooming like a rose. Love and miss my little guy.