August 27, 2009

Three Word Thursday

His. Personal. Stylist.

I would love to have a personal stylist who sensed my style and could pick things out for me that would look great on my figure and bring out my best features. I think I would hire Melancholy Smile - her taste is impeccable - classic, vintage, but with a sense of whimsy. Yeah, my post baby body could use some serious fashion help. Do you think I should approach her?

Well, one member of our family already has a personal stylist. Since the first day he came home, Oliver has awakened each morning to an outfit carefully chosen and laid out on his bed by none other than Miss Hannie B. She seemed to get over the whole 'it's a brother' thing as soon as she realized she could still dress him like a little dolly.

Her personal favorites are these Trumpette socks that look like tennis shoes with laces. We've got a pair in every color of the rainbow, and Hannie has used them a plenty. Some days I wonder if the socks come first and then the outfit follows to match. With the little stylist at work, I've had to put minimal effort into dressing my new boy - and he always looks smashing!


Tobi said...

Hannie B. obviously got her good taste and dashing sense of style from her Mama!

The Queen Vee said...

Hannah B . Super. Stylist!

Emily said...

Wow, I need a Hannah! How great is that!

Apis Melliflora said...

Dragonfly, You don't even come close to needing a stylist! {though if you did, Melancholy Smile would be an excellent choice}
Style is oozing out of your pores, woman!

Hil said...

Love the socks! My friend has some that look like black patent leather shoes for her little girl. :)

MelancholySmile said...

Aren't big sisters adorable? And though you don't need it, if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I'd love to go shopping with you! :)