August 28, 2009

Fashion Risk Taker . . .

When I'm having a down or frustrating day, I can often turn to my family for a pick-m-up. So, can you imagine how I felt when this boy showed up to Oliver's blessing dressed like this?

Yeah, I pretty much wanted to sneak him into my church bag and take him home with me. Forever.

I've looked at this picture every day this week. It has somehow made me feel a little better when I see my nephew's bright green pants, big grin and white eyebrows against tan skin. This cheery little boy never ceases to bring a smile to my face. And interestingly enough, his reaction to baby Oliver has surprised me more than any one else's. He is gentle and genuinely interested, sweet and quiet {I know - quiet!} happy and soft whenever around the baby.

Thanks Sammy Green Pants, for making my day!
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The Queen Vee said...

And brave enough to wear his signature bracelets and sandles too.

"Sam's the Man" of style for the four year old set, wonder where he gets it from?

Tobi said...

He's so dashing! He looks like he's ready to jet off to a beach party in Newport.

TooTall said...

He could be a J. Crew model (just like his dad)!

west wind said...

he looks so comfortable!

Apis Melliflora said...

Ready to go golfing.

Nikki said...

I love the pose! Shows what a great little personality he has.

Shelby said...

Just saw the new banner. LOVE IT!