August 26, 2009

A Sweet Tradition . . .

This darling little get-up worn by Oliver on his blessing day belongs to my brother and his wife and has now been worn by four of the boy babies in our family. It was found in a little boutique in Utah, but the tag inside says "Paris". It has the magical ability to take a modern day baby and transform him into a darling boy child from the 1800's with its simple lines and crisp cotton details.

I'm a real sucker for a peter pan collar - especially on a tiny baby boy.
These pin tucks, though criminal to the ironing challenged, shout 'special occasion' with their tuxedoesque leanings.

And under the collar, thanks to a clever suggestion from Audrey, are the initials of each boy who's worn this outfit for his blessing.

You know how much I adore a tradition . . . maybe some day my children's children will have initials on this blessing day outfit.


Lori said...

What a neat idea! I'm a sucker for Peter Pan collars on girls and baby boys too! I had an epiphany of my own! If you had given Oliver the middle name of William, his initials really would spell OWL! However, I am partial to the name Matthew! :-) By the way, I loved your epiphany post as well. It's a wealthy mom who can count her blessings!

Suzanne C said...

That's great! My baby girl got to wear my blessing outfit (from 41 years ago) and hopefully my granddaughter will wear it too. I love tradition!

MelancholySmile said...

The embroidered initials are such a nice touch. Perhaps I should start a similar tradition.

The Carlsons said...

Thanks for making the initials a reality. You're awesome and little Oliver looked so handsome wearing this new family "heirloom".

The Queen Vee said...

I'm a sucker for Owlie no matter what he is wearing but he did look particularly angelic on Sunday and didn't even make a HOOT during the blessing.

TooTall said...

Do we get to see a picture of him in it?

Emily said...

Cute outfit and I love the tradition of the initials!

Apis Melliflora said...

I did a double take, thought Owlie's initials were O.W.L.! Adorable jumper. Awesome tradition.

I confess: I am ironing challenged.