August 25, 2009

Epiphany . . .

Last night the Hubby and I sat in our family room with the four kids gathered 'round us for Family Home Evening. The Hubby was holding little Ollie on his lap in an arm chair, while I had the other three snuggled up {maybe a little too closely} on the couch with me. Ollie was alert and in super-duper cute mode, as witnessed by the fact that each of us was doing our very best baby sing-song voice to capture his attention and get him to smile.

I looked from Ollie's sweet face to the Hubby's and back again, marveling at the little replica we have created. He really does resemble that Hubby of mine! I made a comment to that effect, and suddenly the room was filled with peals of laughter from the children and myself as the Hubby did his best Ollie impression - blank stare with sometimes crossing eyes, tongue alternating between hanging out and curling inside a little mouth shaped like an 'O', neck wavering in a desperate effort to hold up it's large bobbing head, cooing and gurgling with a sometimes almost smile. Making it even funnier was the fact that Ollie, unaware of his silly dad's antics, was doing the exact same thing.

As I laughed that satisfying gut laugh that only comes around every so often and looked around the room at my sweet babies rolling in fits of giggles, my heart was full. Then came the epiphany as I knew in that instant that I was entrenched in an unforgettable moment with my complete family - the one I have waited for, prayed for and shed many a tear over.

The moment was oh-so-fleeting as a brother poked a sister, angry words were exchanged, blame was cast and the Hubby and I had to rearrange the seating in hopes of a peaceful evening together. But . . . at least we were finally ALL together.


The Queen Vee said...

Epiphany indeed!

christy said...

So sweet. I would have loved to have witnessed Travis' Ollie impression. I'm sure it was great. Glad you could enjoy such a sweet moment.

C and Co. said...

Isn't that the greatest feeling of all!!!

squeezeme said...

Just beatiful, Sam.

Apis Melliflora said...

It is a many splendored thing to be the 4th and final addition to an already wonderful family. Owl Lee, you complete it.