August 24, 2009

Separated At Birth?

This picture probably falls under that wonderful category of "blackmail during the teenage years", but I couldn't resist!

I've just dropped my in-laws off at the airport after an all-too-short visit of five days. We've decided we won't let them come back unless they agree to spend at least a week or longer with us! Much fun was had by all, including Big C who met up with his tooth twin at a secret location right here in our very town. I'll be blogging about that tomorrow. Until then, I must face my reality, which includes laundry and dishes . . . things my mother-in-law has been tending to for me during the visit {yeah, she pretty much ROCKS!}

And don't even get me started on my own mom . . . she took ALL my ironing over to her house so my in-laws wouldn't have to see the pile that was taking over the basement. It all came back to me starched and on hangers. Just another reason I pretty much adore my mom.

So for now, enjoy these teeth until Tuesday!
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The Queen Vee said...
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The Queen Vee said...

This is a post that I can really sink my teeth into, whoops no I can't, because Big C and his furry friend are already ahead of me.

Love you Big C, no blackmailing with this picture cause you are too cute.

Apis Melliflora said...

Big C was a good sport to pose. I think he'll find it funny as he gets older too.

Your MIL and Mom are so supportive and loving. Adore away! Good role models for us future MILs and grandmoms.

Tobi said...

How does he purse his lips like that? That's amazing.

You are lucky to have such a wonderful Mama and Mama in law!!

Emily said...

Hooray for the mom's in your life! Lucky, Lucky!

jd said...

I adore your mom too. I don't know your mother-in-law, so I can't comment there (though I sure would like to know her!) but I know YOUR mom, and... wow. LOVE her.

And I really really love you!! I am so sad I haven't had the convenience of keeping up with your blog of late! I will need to devote an hour or so this week to doing such. I miss you and I know i need to email you! better yet, to CALL!! I sang your praises in India more than once, maybe that will redeem me a little bit?? love you much-- talk to you soon--