August 7, 2009

Three Word Thursday

Sleep. Is. Essential.

So apparently the lack of sleep is getting to me. I've always been an 8 hour-a-night kinda girl. Now I'm more of a maybe 4 hour-a-night kinda wreck. I thought today was Thursday, not Friday, which explains why I didn't get around to my three words yesterday {which I thought was Wednesday.}
In between waking up every two hours, changing lots of diapers, feeding a baby and then feeding and tending to my grown children and trying to fold one measly load of laundry a day, I have neglected to look at my calendar for a dose of reality. We are already well into August and I am definitely in the thick of the "Post Baby Fog" {not to be confused with the Post Baby Blues}.
I cannot promise punctuality or clarity of any sort for probably the next four months. In fact, I may be in for a little bit of a bloggy break so as not to have a break down. We'll see. This much I do know: I love my dear friend sleep. And I really hope he comes to visit me soon.


TracieCarter said...

GASP! You're human? Realizing the fog is real is one big step to post-partum sanity! I really had to laugh out loud at this post because I feel like I just barely exited the ground level of that stage. I'm hoping my brain returns, I miss her guts! Smogs or nothing at all, we'll survive but we won't like it one bit. Now that your night Owlie is here, I am just as hooked if not more!

PS. Missing Rust like nobody's business. The library on base leaves MUCH to be desired and now that the online system is down and to be repaired at someone's leisure . . . I'm just not real pleased. Blow kisses for me to Rusty!

Emily said...

I remember those days. Actually just now at 16 months has baby "D" started sleeping all night long. Yahoo! Good Luck making it through. Remember the age old advice of napping when baby does.

The Queen Vee said...

Your eyes are starting to look like mine, we need to get you some sleep!

Apis Melliflora said...

Time for guest bloggers, a bloggy break or a once a week post!

My 3: something's gotta give.

christy said...

Hang in there. The only way I'm surviving right now is having little Claire snooze next to me. That way I wake up every 3-4 hours, roll over, and feed her on the other side. I know many people frown on this and say it's dangerous but it's the only way I'm remaining somewhat sane and not a total zombie

Tobi said...

Take your time. I think we all understand and sympathize. I agree with Apis that it's time for guest bloggers!