August 9, 2009

The Fam . . .

We had our first "normal" day yesterday, actually venturing out of the house as an entire family to go watch my older brother compete in a bike race. {Owlie's there, asleep in the stroller} We even stopped for a burger at a restaurant on the way home
-- our first time out as a family of six . . . AND I SURVIVED! Of course, there was much distress on the part of the children as the baby cried almost the whole way home, but we're getting there. Baby steps. Baby steps.
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Anonymous said...

congratulations for the whole family going out to the bike race to cheer on ones brother---baby steps are great. Be glad the race was yesterday and not today.

The Carlsons said...

It was a great day to venture out as a family! Chris loved having the entire family out to support him!!! It means a lot! I'm glad that lunch, nap and dinner made the day complete.

Now if we can just work on the not crying in the car issue....I've been there myself. Maybe everyone needs headphones.

Tobi said...

Is it just me or does Big C look a lot like Uncle Ken in this picture? Well he does to me anyway.

Glad you survived your first outing as family of six. I knew that you could!

Apis Melliflora said...

You did it! You did it! (To slightly tamper with Dora the Explorer's signature phrase)

The Queen Vee said...

GIve the baby boy some extra lovin while I'm gone hanging out with his Auntie and cousins. Fam looks great, take naps and pace yourself.