August 10, 2009

Dog Days Of Summer . . .

I saw this beauty on Saturday when we took the family to watch my older brother in a bike race. He came up to about my waist! Doesn't the fur between his eyes and ears look incredibly soft? And don't you want to help him out with his slight drooling problem?

We are not dog people {allergies for two of us} but my kids thought this guy was really wonderful along with being totally gross. That, my friends is the perfect combination for capturing the attention of our children - especially the gross part.

It is 100 plus degrees today and we're going to do everything in our power to stay inside the air conditioned comfort of our home. That includes still being in our pajamas at 11:04 and eating brownies as breakfast dessert. Come on by for a spell!
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Lori Gerten said...

I thought that dog was Fang from HP at first! He is a cutie. When Buddy is hot he drips like that too. IT.IS.SO.GROSS!!!!

Enjoy the ac and stay cool! Maybe you can get the sprinkler out later for the kiddies!

Tobi said...

Every day summer day in Texas is a "hide inside" with the central air rather than face the oppressing heat and humidity.

Hence we make frequent trips to the pool and the splash parks to escape cabin fever!

I love brownies for breakfast! I'm so glad I'm not the only Mom who does that. =)

queenie said...

that's the same breed of dog that we have. love him!!! he can't stay outside very long when it's this hot either. a match made in heaven

Apis Melliflora said...

It's hot everywhere. Sweating it out up north too. Send a frozen brownie this way!

Kasey said...

Sounds like my kind of home!!

Susan said...

love the picture of the dog and that you got a piece of slobber in the pic as well

The Queen Vee said...

Sorry but that is not a pretty sweet looking dog, drooling for him I'm not.

west wind said...

looks like an english mastiff, but never seen one with cropped ears. our friends' e.m. weighs 220 pounds.