August 6, 2009

Birth of a Nickname . . .

The Saturday before Oliver was born we took the kids to this:

Our town's new state of the art, technologically advanced, brimming-with-brand-new-books library did not disappoint. Hannie B and RedDog got to meet the original Big Red Dog.

We gawked at shelves and shelves full of shiny new books- including a whopping 25 copies of Chica Chica Boom Boom!

And there seemed to be a running theme throughout the library . . . of owls. Each child got a free t-shirt with a beautiful owl emblazoned on the back.

I love this great owl perched on a huge mural of a tree outside the Children's Story Telling Room.

RedDog with his complimentary tiny stuffed owl puppet. {Have I mentioned how gaga my kids are for "tiny" things? Seriously - that look on his face = nirvana.}

On the way home, RedDog declared "I love this little owl. I'm going to name him Owliver." Immediately we knew that it wouldn't take long for our new little Ollie to eventually become Owlie.
Judging by his sleeping habits this week, I think we'll be calling him Night Owlie.
Do you have a great public library? And if so, are you regular patrons?


west wind said...

our town library is in the restored 200-year-old union meeting house, replete with beautifully painted ornate tin ceiling and painted glass windows. a plus is that my daughter gets to have dance class there too.

The Queen Vee said...

Libraries + books = a bit o heaven. Ollie/Owllie + sibs is also a bit o Heaven.

Tobi said...

Cute new nickname!

I'm very jealous of your brand new super fabulous state of the art library.

We have two very small libraries in Killeen and a small one on Fort Hood. Did I mention that they are small?

Suzanne C said...

That is adorable! My almost 3 year old, Sam, got a cat beanie baby in his Happy meal a week ago. it's officially given name is Yammy. Too funny! Love owlie!

Apis Melliflora said...

Whoo whoo knew there would be a convergence of owls! Owlie will be a great's in the stars.

Our library has one copy of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, so that makes your library 24 times more fabulous. Lucky you!

Emily said...

Cute! I like that, Owlie. We love to go to the library.

Lori said...

Love the Windsor Library...They just completed renovations after the twister destroyed part of it. It's within walking distance of our home which is bonus! I served as Friends of the Library VP for 2 was fun to plan summer reading activities for the kids and host the annual book sale. It got me involved in our community and I met some of the greatest, little ole ladies ever!
Now, I just go hang out with my kids and participate in their summer programs. Last week was Reptile Day hosted by the Denver Zoo. Good times!

MelancholySmile said...

What a cool library! Ours just opened as well. Before that, it was a tiny room off of the fire station {which E loved, since he loves fire trucks} but now we have a staggering amount of space and loads of new books! We go every week, and I love it.