August 12, 2009

Random Musings From A Dragonfly . . .

{a.k.a. Photo Dump from the last three weeks of my life}
Have you ever told your child to reach for the stars?

And then watched him do it right in front of your eyes?

Hey cutie! That is an awesome shirt you've got on there, and I'm totally digging the coordinated pacifier.

Hey cutie! It is absolutely hilarious when you do that with your eyes!{and I hope your momma doesn't kill me for posting this picture, but it is a total classic}

Doesn't my dad look handsome with a color coordinated baby on his arm?

Why, oh why did Target have stock this stroller AFTER I bought mine? Please forgive me Owlie!

I hope some day my Big C finds a girlfriend like this to marry. She's stylish, a great cook, super talented AND she has red hair!

Have you ever noticed how freaky an eye looks when it's not pictured with the rest of the face? Hmmm . . . something to think about.


Tobi said...

Love the owl stroller. It's really too bad they didn't have that beforehand. That would have been perfect!

Apis Melliflora said...

All these pictures are great. The close up of the freckled eye is my favorite. The close up of the scary-eyed Bee is the wierdest, but the one I can't stop looking at.