March 31, 2009

Taking Advantage of Fashion . . .

Look at me - I'm serious and all artsy in this photo. Ha!! Really though, I'm actually sick of deleting pictures of myself grinning like an idiot straight into the camera. When you're taking a picture with the self timer, all by your lonesome, smiling like that always looks fake and super cheesy. Then again, look what you got instead.
Anyhoo . . . today I am happily posting about something new to me this baby-go-round: the joyous fact that there are A LOT of clothes out in the market right now that are NOT maternity wear but are ample enough in fabric, forgiving enough in cut, and frankly cost less than maternity clothes - because hey, the woman's having a baby, so let's charge her $20 more a shirt for the extra fabric it will take to cover that gut!
The shirt in yesterday's post is actually one I had in my regular old wardrobe and was bought at Target two years ago. It actually looks better on me pregnant because I have a chest to fill it - but that's another post entirely.
The shirt in today's post is from Kohl's "Elle" line and you can go buy it there right now (if you aren't embarrassed to because now you've seen a pregnant lady wearing it.) I'm sure it will be on sale, because everything at Kohl's is ALWAYS on sale. I really wanted it in this super cool black & white leopard print, but it had sold out.
Why does this shirt work for a prego mama? First, it is made of a good amount of really soft, lightweight jersey - totally comfy. Second, it's got this great band at the bottom, which is really chic right now and just happens to sit below "the belly". And last, if you click on the picture and look at the neckline, it has a really intricate woven detail. You may be wondering why this is helpful to a pregnant woman. It's called a diversion tactic people! Anything that gets people to look up and toward the face (aka away from "the belly") is a real, real good thing! I can already tell that this shirt is going to be a favorite post-baby because it will do a great job of hiding that ever troublesome midsection. Lovely.
So, I've been scouring my favorite cheap-o stores (Target, Kohls, Gap Outlet, H&M) for a non-maternity maternity wardrobe and I'll stick a picture up every now and again of a winner.
You all had great guesses for what today's post would be about. There were actually three possible posts in the picture. You'll see them all sooner or later!


Kasey said...

I don't see a pic. Maybe my computer didn't load, sometimes it does that. I'm sure you look cute in what ever you are in!!!

Apis Melliflora said...

Another adorable shirt and necklace combo...I wanna know where all the cute necklaces come from.

I've never worn that color, but, well, it looks smashing on you.

I've also never been to Kohls. Shocking, I know.

Tobi said...

You barely look pregnant! Also you look hip and super chic as always! Love that color on you.