April 1, 2009

That Kind Of Thing Belongs In The Bedroom. . .

No - I'm not referring to that! Elevate your thoughts people. I'm referring to furniture - in particular, the dresser pictured above. Now that it's finally Spring, my decorating A.D.D. is in full bloom which means it's time to rearrange around my house and freshen things up, while confusing the Hubby.

This bay window in our kitchen eating area is a tricky spot to decorate because it is almost ALL WINDOW. There used to be a wooden console table here, but I found that with all the windows and the legginess of the table, there was just too much open space and not enough storage possibility.

So, up came this dresser from the basement, dragged drawerless by one determined pregnant lady (no worries, it's actually really light). This dresser was my grandmothers. It has also resided in my older brother's home in Brooklyn, NY and in Hannie B's bedroom a few different times. It is a solid, functional piece of furniture and will be perfect for storing tablecloths, napkins and paper goods for upcoming parties.

Here's the thing: there are some who might say a dresser is a piece of bedroom furniture and there it should stay. To them I say BALONEY! I have a dresser in my entry way that is perfect for holding hats, scarves and mittens all while welcoming guests with a nice lamp and seasonal decor on top. I have a dainty little dresser in our family room that hides all our DVDs and dinosaur video cassettes. My mom even has a bathroom big enough to hold a dresser perfect for storing all the beautifying/bathing essentials you could possibly imagine.

I'll end by issuing a little decorating challenge: reconsider a current dresser in your house and the possibilities it has as a piece used for something other than holding your unmentionables.

Do any of you have dressers in odd spots?
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The Queen Vee said...

We have a small dresser in our bedroom, and three more in the bathroom, foyer and hallway. The other three bedrooms are dresserless. You know me, I think that you can use a piece of furniture in anyroom except for a bed. Beds have limitations everything else is limitless.

NovelTeaMommy said...

The only place besides the bedroom that we have a dresser is storage : ( You have inspired me today though. We have lots of stuff to hide away, and no place to put it, leaving a very cluttered condo. I think we'll have to pull out that dresser and put it to good use! THANK YOU!

Emily said...

Looks great!

Apis Melliflora said...

My girlhood dresser sans mirror in the entryway. A Dresser hidden away in walk-in closet. Dressers are awesome for storage, for display and for dressing up a room. Right on, Dragonfly!

christy said...

I love it. It looks great with all the fun stuff. My wheels are turning now with ideas...

Kasey said...

I like the idea of using dressers in other places besides the bedroom. I have one downstairs that holds all my extra sheets and craft supplies.

Tobi said...

I have two cedar chests that I use as side tables in my living room. They don't match but they look cool!!

I love the idea of a dresser in the kitchen. A great place to store dishes if you don't have a hutch too!!

west wind said...

One dresser at home is also a ski tuning station. Ski holding vices mounted on top. Waxes, glues, drills, files, hammers, sandpaper, and irons below in the drawers.