February 5, 2009

What Does This Say About Me?

I love filling this up with the dirty dishes - seeing how I can solve the puzzle and fit just one more in, but I HATE putting the clean ones away. That's why this job now belongs to Big C, beloved dish breaker. I love emptying the dirty pockets of this, in search of spare change and forgotten dollars. I love carefully laundering stains and challenging them to try to remain. I love the smell of bleach and fabric softener and feel a little spike in happiness as I toss in a fragrant dryer sheet - weird, I know. I even love sitting with my back to the fireplace, folding it into tidy little piles. But I hate putting the darned stuff away! That is why my kids put their own away and you will find baskets of mine sitting in my room on the floor for way too long. (I'm ashamed to say sometimes up to two weeks, when I finally wonder, "Hey, where is that brown shirt I love to wear with these jeans?")

I'm sure my avoidance of the putting away part of these tasks says something about my personality. Any guesses from you pseudo-diagnosers out there?


Ruby Red Slippers said...

When you find the answer, let me know!!! You were at our house last night, right? Watching my boys empty the dishwasher, and my husband putting everything away that they can't reach. Then they all had their baskets of folded laundry to put away as well. I recently thought about how strange it is that I love to squeese in as much as I can in the dishwasher. I pride myself of making everything fit...I love washing and folding the clothes-I feel acomplished if I have everyone's things in their baskets ready for them...I went to bed a happy girl because everything was done...except my basket of clean clothes!!!

Suzanne C said...

You have just convinced me that nothing is wrong with me!! I hate putting laundry and clean dishes away. Drives my husband insane. I look at it this way (now)when you find a favorite article of clothing that has gone AWOL and suddenly find it, you get all the endorphins of "retail therapy" and it doesn't cost a thing!

Apis Melliflora said...

The way I see it, you are results-oriented with an emphasis on the visual. The results: clean clothes and clean dishes. Putting away is a post-result aftermath; the results become invisible once put away...and we must once again turn to the dirty dishes and dirty clothes.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I don't know - but I have the exact same disorder. Once T gets home I'm going to need to mend my ways because all my clean laundry is piled on his side of the bed. Eeeek.

Kasey said...

No I'm worried because I'm the opposite. Maybe there is something wrong with me. I Like to put the laundry away and I Like to put the dishes away. I do not like to clean bathrooms or dust!

Julie said...

Ditto. Did you read my confessional comment on Tobi's blog about sleeping in my guest room for 2 weeks to avoid having to put the clean sheets back on my bed? I don't really need to analyze the meaning behind that one. It was because I'm L-A-Z-Y!

The Queen Vee said...

Does anyone out there like to clean bathrooms?

I'm with Kasey Hunt, putting clean laundry and dishes away is a piece of cake and the completion of two very easy cleaning jobs.

Now back to those dirty bathrooms, does anyone like to clean them? I'll hire you!

Emily said...

I guess I need to be diagnosed as well, because it is the same for me. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

Unknown said...

I agree with Apis about you putting things away. I have no problem putting cloths away but I agree with the Queen, I hate to clean bathrooms.