December 5, 2008

That's Gonna Leave A Mark . . .

Just in time for the holidays, Hannie B. has lovingly given her brother something "shiner" and bright.

I told him not to mess with her . . . the girl's got some serious strength and gumption. The story at school is that he got it while playing football. While this is partially true, the best part of the story has been left out - the one doing the hitting was his little sis. And now I've got it recorded forever.

Love ya, Big C!
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Apis Melliflora said...

Who could Big C play in the Christmas story this year? A cow with a spotted eye maybe?

Hannie B, you have good aim. I'm not sure if I would have given you a cheer or wagged my finger. Maybe a bit of both.

squeezeme said...

Ouch! Did you have a raw steak on hand?!

squeezeme said...

p.s. I'm re-reading a great book right now, Siblings Without Rivalry.....sounds like you too might enjoy this book!? Gotta love the referring motherhood!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Ouch!! That looks very painful!!!

The Queen Vee said...

That shinner looks more like a dimmer to me. Nothing like a black eye to make you feel like a man, except when you sis is the one who gave it to you.

Tobi said...

Way to take it like a man Big C!

Susan said...

As a younger sister whose brother was always messing with her I totally get Hannie B's reaction. My parents always use to tell my brother you better leave her alone or deal with the consequences :)

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Isn't blogging a great way to not kill your children?

Tell Hannah that Layla Ali has made female boxing feminine so she might have a career in that if the arts don't work out for her.

redelf said...

that is hilarious! I have two boys and one girl (she is the middle one) I keep telling my sons to leave their sister alone but you know how boys listen. There have been many injuries inflicted by their sister onto both boys.

Hil said...

I love the whole "football" cover-up story. Nice. :)

Julie said...

I can't believe I somehow missed this blog entry! Wow. We had a lot of knock-down, drag out fights in my family but I never gave anyone a black eye. I'm amazed!